Online information about Moti Dungri Temple in Jaipur

Moti Dungri Temple is one of the famous tourist destination placed in Jaipur. A superb dedication to Lord Ganesha is the most enhancing scene attracts most of the visitors throughout the year. Read bellow for getting more information about the Moti Dungri Temple.

About Moti Dungri Temple of Rajasthan

Moti Dungri Temple
Moti Dungri Temple of Rajasthan is a major tourist attraction in Jaipur of Rajasthan named Moti Dungri Temple is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Moti Dungri Temple can be easily reached from the city by Local Buses, Cars and Taxis.

A small hill named Moti Dungri is centrally located in the city of Jaipur. Moti Dungri has the meaning of Pearl Hill or Hill of Pearls. A palace and a temple have occupied the hill. The temple of Moti Doongri is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. It offers beautiful scenery which attracts the tourists even if it is an ancient temple. Moti Dungri is one of the significant religious Temple in India. A huge amount of people often come to pay their homage to this sacred temple of Lord Ganesha.

A beautiful Palace named Moti Dungri on the hill is Close to the Temple. It was occupied by Maharaja Madho Singh's son in the ancient times which is a copy of a Scottish Castle, but the enchanting Palace belongs to the royal family. Now-a-days, it is a home for Rajmata Gayatri Devi and her son, Jagat Singh. That's why the palace is not open for public.

Other Famous Temples of Rajasthan :
Punarasar Hanuman Temple
Famous Brahma Temple
Gaumukh Temple
Moti Dungari Ganesh Mandir


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