Bhawai dance- A folk dance form of Rajasthan.

In this article I have provided information on the Bhawai dance of Rajasthan. I have provided a description on the history of the dance form and the details of the dance.

Bhawai dance of Rajasthan

Rajasthan is known world wide for its folk art especially folk music and dance. Tourists from all over the world come to Rajasthan to witness the colourful and thrilling dance forms of Rajasthan. One such spectacular dance form famous in the state of Rajasthan is the Bhawai dance.

Origin of Bhawai dance

The Bhawai dance has it's origins to the feudal age. It is believed that the dance actually originated from the neighbouring state of Gujarat; however the people of Rajasthan mastered in this art form and added a Rajasthani flavour to the dance.

The Bhawai dance

Bhawai dance- A folk dance form of Rajasthan.
The Bhawai or the Bhavai are the snake charmer tribe. A thrilling pot balancing while gyrating to the music is the essence of this dance form. Tourists usually come to watch this dance form and try their skills while in such dance performances.

The Bhawai dance form is the most thrilling dance form of Rajasthan. The dancers dance and gyrate to the music while balancing 9-10 pots or other items on their heads. The dancers are accompanied by folk singers and various instruments such as harmonium, table, sarangi etc.
The dance is usually performed by the women folk but in some cases even men
perform the dance.

The women are especially skilled in this dance form as they are used to carry lots of pots and urns on their head and walk long distances in the hard to walk desert areas. The condition of these women is quite pitiable as water is not easily available in their dwelling areas and they have to walk daily long distances in search of water. Hence it is economical only if they are capable of carrying many pots on with them. Hence the women of this area are especially skilled in balancing many pots and urns on their heads.
Sometimes to add a more climatic turn these dancers not only dance while balancing these pots, but sometimes climb on plates placed on tumblers and manage to maintain their balance while dancing. Also some of the extreme dancers walk on broken glass, sword etc. bare footed to show their balancing skills.
This dance form is showcased in almost every festival and functions in Rajasthan. If you happen to visit Rajasthan, make sure to watch this nail biting dance form of Rajasthan.

Travelling in Rajasthan

Travelling in Rajasthan is quite hassle free as Rajasthan is well connected through roads and rails. Also it is connected to main cities of the country through air route. In the roads autos, cycle rickshaws and buses are the main form of transport. Taxis are also available but they are comparatively costly.


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