Movie Review on 50/50

The new movie '50/50' staring Anna Kendrick and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a powerful movie that gets you thinking about life as the main character gets through the challenges of being diagnosed with a rare and serious case of spinal cancer.

The movie carries through with the protagonist, Adam being told that despite all his good habits and ways, he has cancer. Being just 27, he is taken aback by how cut short his life could be and the fact that he may die sooner than he would have ever imagined. One can see his life unravel before his eyes and how helpless he feels despite feeling 'fine'. His relationship is put to test not only with his girlfriend but also with his parents and best friend. He realizes the importance of his bond with his mother and also comes to know what comfort it is for her to just know that he is around. Adam and his therapist Catherine, also develop a relationship that unfolds with them both being new to these aspects in their lives; with Catherine attending to her 3rd patient Adam so, being new at being a therapist and with Adam living the chapter set apart because of his condition.

The title '50/50' is based on the chance of survival for Adam. He is not sure how to process that he may die and his views on life change. He doesn't become depressed at the thought of passing away but instead repeatedly says that he feels fine. He doesn't do anything that may be a moment that makes him feel alive or even something big that would make him feel like he has lived as some people would do (ex: some would sky dive or travel).

The movie puts you through an emotional ride with humor, tears and empathy. It gets you rooting for the protagonist and wishing that he would survive. The story doesn't vary much in the surroundings but the impact it has on your perspective on life is enormous. The casting is also wonderful and all the roles are upheld to portray the levels of importance of people who are involved in your life.

I would definitely recommend this movie to people because I felt it was such a learning to see what people have to deal with in such a situation. It was different from other cancer movies because the end left me to be a totally different person as I rethought my life and how I want to live it.



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