The Social Network Is Growing Day by Day

This article is a short summary of the real big story of how and when Facebook came to be.The one thing more extraordinary than the website itself, is how it was made.The article addresses question such as-What makes Facebook addictive? AND How did it come to be?

First of all, what is Facebook? It is highly unlikely that you do not know already, but just in case you're new to the world of the internet, here goes;
- Facebook is a majorly popular and free social networking site, used by adults and teenagers alike to post thoughts, pictures of themselves etc. Through this website you can get in touch with your old friends and family, and use it as a platform to communicate with your current ones. What more- you can even like or comment on their pictures. It's like this amazing, powerful tool that connects you with others in the most realistic way possible. It's got everything a social network needs- chat, Skype and Tumblr all- in - one!

- Even though Facebook is very much an American company, it has fast spread across the globe. In fact, more than seventy per cent of Facebook users are non- American. It has the second most web traffic in the world, and that's only because the age limit to join is thirteen. More than three hundred million photographs are uploaded to the site each day, 3.2 billion 'likes' and comments are added each day! What more, this company that started with two people, namely Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin, now has 3,539 full-time employees.

The one thing more extraordinary than the website itself, is how it was made.Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook in February, 2014. There's even a movie on it called 'The Social Network,' It is packed with drama from the very beginning. Though I suggest you watch the movie and find out for yourself, I'll give you some facts that might strike you as interesting. Mark founded Facebook when he was drunk with his friend, Eduardo Saverin. It was initially a site to measure the 'hotness' of the girls in campus, but ended up much more. Before Facebook happened, Mark had been approached by the Winklevoss twins to help them build a website that never happened. Later on they filed a lawsuit against him, claiming that he stole the idea of Facebook from them. This, however, ended with nothing, Mark Zuckerberg was declared and continues to be the CEO of Facebook.

What makes Facebook addictive? Well, it's kind of like being addicted to yourself! Facebook is all about you, not some celebrity like on twitter or models and artists as on tumblr, but YOU! It's about posting YOUR comment, liking the photos YOU like, posting picture of YOURSELF.That's it folks, Facebook is a platform the world can use BUT at the same time it's YOURS.


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