Nauni Manjhgaon- The first Nirmal Gramm Panchayat.

This village is situated in Solan distt of Himachal Pradesh.


This village is situated in Solan distt of Himachal Pradesh. It is 14 km away from Solan. It is the first Nirmal Gramm Panchayat of Himachal Pradesh as well as of India. It has got prize from the President of India. Mr. Baldev is the chief (pardhaan) of this panchayat. Many people from foreign countries had visited it in last few years.
There is a water tank in every house of this village.
There is a proper drainage system in this village.
Each house uses Solar Electricity.
There are many other facilities in this village like storage of rain water, use of latest techniques for aggriculture etc.


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