Sai Temple Shamti Solan.

This temple is situated in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh. It is located at Shamti place of Solan.

History of Temple

Sai Temple in Shamti was established almost 5 years ago. It is the only temple of Shirdi Sai baba in the hole area. It is situated in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh.

Inside the temple

There are a lot of things inside the temple. There are n number of pictures of Shirdi Sai baba inside the temple including one real portraight. There is a beautiful statue of Shirdi Sai baba inside the temple. There is also a Shivaling inside the temple. It is said that the statue of Sai was imported from Shirdi.

How to reach

You can easily reach this temple from any part of Himachal Pradesh. It is 3 km away from the Solan. One can hire a taxi or can come in a bus to the temple. It is just 100 meters away from the main road of Shamti.


There is a provision of Bhandara on every Thursday in this temple.


One can have his/her stay in Shamti or Solan. There are a large number of hotels in Solan which offers stay at a very reasonable rate.


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