BHARMOUR a hidden gem in Chamba district.

Travel information of Bharmour, Manimahesh, Chaurasi temples.

BHARMOUR a hidden gem in Chamba district.

Location: 64 kms from Chamba bus station.

How to reach: The only way to reach Bharmour is by road. Himachal Road Transport carporation and local bus transporters are continuously running its buses from chamba and other parts of the state. Taxis are also easily available from Chamba.

Main Attraction : Himachal pardesh is kown as Gods state. Chamba is known as Shiv Bhumi. Bharmour is famous for its natural beauty and ancient temples. Main Attraction includes

1. Manimahesh Lake: This place is secred place of Lord Shiva.The Manimahesh Lake is 35 km from Bharmour town. It is believed that the water of the lake is so sacred that it can clean all sins. Manimahesh Yatra started in the month of August/September thousands of pilgrims from throughout the country travels to this place to participate in this secred yatra.

2. Chourasi Temple : Chourasi is a local numerical number, translated in english it means 84. In bharmour 84 temples are there in one place in many small and big sizes, thus they known as Chourasi Temples.

3. Trekking: Many trekking camps are organised throughout the year. A branch of the mountaineering Institute, Manali, at Bharmour organizes treks and provides information and equipment like tents, sleeping bags etc.

Best time to visit: March - November


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