Pharmacists jobs in Health and Welfare Department Himachal

Himachal Health and Welfare Department Shimla is inviting applications for pharmacists vacancies. In this article you will find complete information regarding these vacancies. For detailed information kindly read the article below.

Pharmacist jobs in Himachal Health and Family Welfare Department

Health and Family Welfare Department Govt. of Himachal Pradesh is inviting applications for filling pharmaceutical posts. In this article you will find complete information regarding these recruitments. All the applications should be sent to this address- Himachal Health and Welfare Department, B - 6, SDA Complex, Shimla - 171009.

Detailed information about Pharmacits posts in Himachal

Name of post- Pharmacist.
Number of posts- 40.
Job type- these posts will be on contract basis and duration of contract will be decided after some time.
Age Limit- all the applicants must be in the age range of 18-45 years.
Pay Scale- pay scale for these posts is Rs. 6825/- per month.
How to Apply- you will have to send an Application form with full details including your qualifications, age proof, identity proofs etc to the above listed address and your application must reach that address on or before 19/11/2011. For further details like essential qualifications, type of job, job nature etc please kindly visit- If you have any doubts then please ask by your comments.


Guest Author: 19 Nov 2011

Please visit the site mentioned in the article. There you will find contact details of Himachal Health Department please use them.

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