Historical monument Millennium gate in Chamba

Here we are talking about one of historical monument of Chamba district which is Chamba Gate, this gate is also known as India Gate. In ancient times this gate is the only way to enter the Chamba city. This gate is of red color and made of stones and the architecture of this gate so beautiful.

Historical Chamba Gate or Millennium Gate

Here we are talking about one of the best monument of Chamba district which is known as Chamba gate, it is also known as Millennium gate. This gate is also known as India Gate. This gate was built by the British government during 17th century. In this article we are talking about the history of this Gate and how to reach this gate, for more information regarding this gate, you have to read the article which is given below.

Historical Chamba Gate

This gate was built by the British government during the 17th century. When this gate is built then for this district this is the only way to came here, there is no other way to come this city. The architecture of this gate is so beautiful. It is completely made of the stone; these stones are colored with red color. This gate is about 30 feet in height and about 15 foot wide. Top of this gate is in circular shape, on the top of this gate there is a two little statue are placed. This gate is made in the middle of the Chamba district, on the left side of this gate there is a historical Chamba Chowgan and on the right side of this gate there is a fire brigade office are present.

How to reach and Nearby places

If you want to this religious and historical gate then you have to visit the Chamba district, when you reach the chamba's local bus stand, from there it is about 300 meter, from the bus stand you have to go to the side of historic Chamba ground or to the main market then about there is a Chowk about 200 meter from the bus stand, there you have to take right turn after that you have to go straight, then is another two way but you have to go straight and about 50 meter from this place you can the top view of this gate and finally you reach this gate. On the left side of the gate there is historical Chamba Ground where so many people sit in the evening and all the functions are takes places, from 200 meter below from this gate there is temple of Shitala Mata and about 100 meter from this place on the left side of this gate there is Ravi View café from where you can see the beautiful view Ravi River is flowing and panoramic view of mountains which are covered with snows. You can also reach this place by train and the nearest railway station is in Pathankot from where it is about 85km, you can also reach this place by aero plane and the nearest airport is in Gaggal from where it is about 70km.


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