International Renuka Fair at Sirmaur HP

Like every year, Renuka Fair was celebrated in Sirmaur district of state. Here I am with main highlights of this well renowned international level fair. Please read below for complete details.

International Renuka Fair at Sirmaur HP

The International Renuka fair completed with old tradition of Pray. This fair was inaugurated by the Chie Minister of the state Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal by lighting the lamp in the temple and prayed there for about 10 minutes.
International Renuka Fair
International Renuka fair is celebrated every year with old custom tradition. This fair is celebrated in the Renuka, Sirmour district. This fair is celebrated in the memory of the Parshuram Mother's Renuka Ji, that's why this place is known as Renuka, and this fair is continue for 11 days. It is believed that during that time Renuka is cursed by the Jagdamabini, so her husband and child killed her so the people of that area remember her sacrifice by celebrated this festival. This fair is celebrated 11 days after the Diwali every year and continues for 11 days, in which local Devi and Devata are taken to the Renuka Lake in which they use to take bath and in the evening they all came back to their respective places.
In the beginning, a ceremony was held which was headed by CM who inaugurated this fair. In the opening ceremony sound of various instruments were made. On the beginning of this fair idol of Parshuram was brought near his mother Renuka Ji. Thousands of peoples were gathered to watch this “MILAN". It is the main attraction of complete fair.
Cultural Program in Renuka Ji fair
During this fair lots of cultural program took place in which various cultural groups from various parts of country performed. Main clubs includes, Chudeshwar Cultural Club, Parshuram Cultural team etc. On the last of this fair a wrestling event was organized in which wrestlers from every part of country participated. Also on the last day there is a night program in which folk singers Sunil Chauhan and Jialal Thakur entertained the audience with their musical voice.


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