Lidwad festival 2014 in Nagrota Kangra from 25th Macrh

Lidwad festival 2014 will be started from the 25th March and will continue for the next three days and will be held in the Nagrota, Kangra district.

Lidwad festival celebration in Kangra from 25th March
Lidwad festival was celebrated very year in the month of March in the Kangra district. This festival was celebrated in the memory of Goddess Narada and Sharada. This festival was initially started in the 19th century and till that every year it was celebrated in the Kangra district. Here we are talking about the history, details description of the festival and how to reach this place and what is the best season to visit this place, for that you have read the article which is discussed below, you can also comment in the article regarding the articles or want to know more regarding the festival.

Lidwad Festival in Kangra
This festival was celebrated in the memory Goddess Narada and Sharada. Initially this festival was started in the beginning of the 19th century. This festival was celebrated every year in the month of March and which will continue for the next three days. This festival will be celebrated in the Gandhi ground, Nagarota in the Kangara district. This year it will be started from the 25th March and the closing ceremony will be takes place on the 27th March. In the opening ceremony so many ministers and VIP peoples will be present. So if you are thinking to visit this place then it is a good time to visit and enjoy the festival with friends and family.

Main attraction of the festival
The main attraction of the festival is the Wrestling competition in which so many wrestlers from the different states will be participated. You can also register your name for this competition and the winner of the competition will be awarded with prize and cash price. There are so many business man comes from the different parts of the state to sell their goods in the festival. So you can enjoy the festival and buy different things from the festival.

Ladwad Festival 2014
Ladwad festival 2014 will be started from the 25th March and will continue for the next three days in so many cultural programs will be takes place. The closing ceremony will be takes place on the 27th March.

How to reach
This festival will be celebrated in the Nagrota place in the kangra district which is connected with other parts of the state by national highway, trains and aeroplane facility. So you can easily reach this place any of the following transport.


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