Tech illumination 2014 in LR College Solan HP

Tech Illumination 2014 will be started from the 11th April in the LR Group of Colleges Solan. This tech fest will continues for the next three days and closing ceremony will be takes place on 13th April.

Tech illumination 2014 in LR College from 11th April

LR Group of Colleges, Solan will to organize the Tech Illumination in the month of April and which will continues for the next three day in the college campus. In this illumination both technical and cultural events will be takes place on all the day. Students of the different colleges can also participate in the technical events by registering through the official website of the college. Here in this article we are talking about the events which will be held in the fest, how to register and how to reach this place. All the entire points are discussed briefly below; you can read these points from here and also comment or ask any thing regarding this fest.

Tech Illumination 2014
LR Group of colleges initially founded in the 2002 year and that time there is only Law course was available but in the year 2008 there were so many new courses has been introduced like Engineering, Pharmacy, Management, B Ed and also Polytechnic course.

This tech first was initially started in the year 2011 and after that it is celebrated by the students of B Tech and Polytechnic every year in the month of March/April and which will continues for the next three weeks in which so many cultural and technical events were performed by the students of the engineering department and also students from the other colleges. In this fest also night programs were perform every day.

Technical Events
As it is a tech illumination so obvious large number of technical events will be performed in this illumination. In the technical events most of the events are performed by the TVIRUS group of the colleges in which students of the computer and science, electronics, IT and mechanical departments performed together. Recently the teams from the this group have participle in the ROBOCON 2014 which will held in the Pune in the month of March and this group have performed so well by defeating the national levels IITs and NITs college and rank position 20th out of the 92nd colleges. The technical events are such junk yard, robotics wars, gaming events and other technical events will be performed which you can see from the official website of the college. The technical events will be performed in the morning and evening session from 9am to 6 pm every day. So any team from the different colleges want to participates in the technical vents can register through the website till 5th April.

Cultural Events
You have seen that without cultural programs no programs will be completed so in this fest so many cultural programs will be takes placed in this fest. In this songs and advance events will be performed by the students of the engineering department, apart from it in the night fashion show will perform by the both boys and girls, and on the last day band from the different colleges including the band of this college will also perform. In the night for the entertainment purpose singers will called on every day and all the night programs will be held at the late night till 11 to 12 pm.

This fest will be started from the 11th of April and opening ceremony will be takes place in the late morning and this event will continue for the next three days and the closing ceremony will be held on the 13th April.

How to reach
This college is situated in the Oachghat which is about 10 km from the Solan. You can easily reach this place by bus as well taxi. There are so many buses are available for this place from the Solan.


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