Location of Bannerghatta Biological Park

This article gives information on the location and postal address of the Bannerghatta Biological Park, Bangalore.

Most tourists staying in Bangalore assume that the Bannerghatta Biological Park is located within the main city area.

Location of Bannerghatta Biological Park:

However, while the Bannerghatta Biological Park is very much within the geographical limits of Bangalore, actually it is towards the southern edges of the city. In fact, it takes nearly 1 to 2 hours (depending on the traffic situation) by road from the center of Bangalore city. If you have a clear route divested of heavy traffic, you can easily reach within 30 minutes.

The Postal Address of Bannerghatta Biological Park:

Bannerghatta National Park,
Bangalore - 560 083

Note that the Bannerghatta National Park is spread over a vast forested region. Hence, there is no road or street name in the postal address of the Bannerghatta National Park.


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