How to reach Kudremukh

Kudremukh is an prime place to visit particularly in summer season, several buses will ply from Chikmagalur and also from Mangalore.

How to reach Kudremukh

The total distance from Bangalore to Kudremukh is around 338 km and if you opt to go by car it will be 6.76 hours, you can travel in this way :

Start from at Bangalore via NH-4 through Yeswanthpur > you reach Nelamangala it is about 30 km through NH 48 > next point is Kunigal which is 44 kms from Nelamangala > continue on NH 48 up to Channarayapatna which is 40 km from Kunigal > go straight with NH 48 > you will get Hassan which is 75 km through state highway > at Hassan take deviation at SH 57 cross at Belur and take SH 58 > you will get Mudigere which is 77 km from Hassan via NH-13 > at Mudigere take NH 13 go approximately 27 km and take right turn on SH 56 > Kudremukh this is your destination.

If you want to reach Kudremukh by air the nearest airport to Kudremukh is Mangalore which is 130 km away.

By Rail, the nearest railway station to the park is at Mangalore.

If by Road Kudremukh is well connected by road towards Kalasa is 20 km, Karkala is 50 km, Mudigere is 75 km, Mangalore is 130 km, and Bangalore it is 350 km.


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