Shivanasamudra Waterfalls Karnataka

This article gives information about the Shivanasamudra falls Karnataka, location of Shivanasamudra falls Karnataka, features and facts about Shivanasamudra falls Karnataka.

The Shivanasamudra Waterfalls is located in the small island town of Shivanasamudra, Mandya District, Karnataka. The location of the town created a sort of break in the River Kaveri, thereby literally dividing the river into a segmented waterfall – the Shivanasamudra Waterfalls. The locals refer to Shivanasumudram as the 'Bluff'.

Features of the Shivanasamudra Waterfalls Karnataka

The Shivanasamudra Waterfalls Karnataka is not just one waterfall with two branches as is incorrectly reported by most people. Actually, there are two distinct and separate waterfalls – the Gaganachukki falls and the Bharachukki falls. When the River Kaveri makes its merry way south of the Deccan Plateau, it creates two identical falls side by side which form the Gaganachukki falls. While these are on the western side in terms of geographical location, on the eastern side is the single Bharachukki falls which is about 1km from the Gaganachukki falls.

Interesting Facts of the Shivanasamudra Waterfalls Karnataka

1. The Shivanasamudra Waterfalls is a segmented waterfall. That is, as it makes its descent, the waters of the Shivanasamudra Waterfalls makes separate forms (segments).

2. The Shivanasamudra Waterfalls is a perennial waterfall. That is, it is a permanent, continuing cascade.

3. Height of Shivanasamudra Waterfalls: 98 m (320 ft)

4. Average width of Shivanasamudra Waterfalls: 849 meters

5. Average volume of Shivanasamudra Waterfalls: 934 cubic meters / sec.

6. Number of drops of Shivanasamudra Waterfalls: 2 – Gaganachukki & Bharachukki.

Shivanasamudra Falls Karnataka


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