Route map from Bangalore to Nandi Hills, Chikka ballapura

Below is the driving route map from Bangalore to Nandi Hills

Driving direction from Bangalore to Nandi Hills

Nandi Hills is a famous and nearest picnik spot for Bangaloreans, below is the driving direction and route for your convenience.

Distance between Bangalore city to Nandi Hills is nearly 60 Kilometers.

You have to drive on the road leading to Mekhri circle and continue on the same road leading to new airport (Devanahalli Airport), after Devanahalli village, you have continue on National Highway 7 / Bellary road. After driving nearly 10 Kms from Devanahalli towards your left you will get a sign board " Nandi Hills Road" there you have to take a left turn and continue on the same road another 4 kms, after that you will find a junction where you have to take a right turn to Nandi Hills, you to drive another 4 kms to reach the top of the hills.

Route map from Bangalore to Nandi Hills

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