Beautifull, Gorgeous Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon Profile and Biography

This article gives you personal information of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon. And also you will find the list of movies of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon, Awards of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon and upcoming movies of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon. Parvathi Menon is also well trained Bharatnatyam dancer.

Profile and Biography of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon

Parvathi Menon is most beautiful, Gorgeous, actress of Karnataka/Kannada Film Industry (Sandalwood) and south India.

Personal Information of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon

Parvathi Menon
Date of birth of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon is on April 1986.Birth place of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon is Kozhikode (Calicut), Kerala India. Parvathi Menon is daughter of P Vinod Kumar and TK Usha Kumari. Alternate/Other name of Kannada actor Parvathi Menon is Parvathi T K, Parvathy.Presently Parvathi Menon is the one of the well Paid actress of Sandalwood/Kannada Film Industry Parvathi Menon finished her school education in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Pangode, Kerala. Later Parvathi Menon pursued her Bachelor of Arts in English Literature,from All Saints' College at Trivandrum, Kerala. Currently she is pursuing her Master of Arts through distance education program.
Father Name of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon - Mr.P Vinod Kumar
Mother name of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon - TK Usha Kumari.Parvathi Menon is also Well Trained Bharatnatyam Dancer .

Parvathi Menon Career

Parvathi Menon began her career as a Anchor of Kiran TV. Kiran TV is one of the famous channel of Kerala.Parvathi Menon became more popular through the Phone-in program of Kiran TV. Popularity of Parvathi Menon made her to get a chance to act in the Malayalam Movie Out of Syllabus in the year 2006.Subsequently Parvathi Menon got offer to act in another two Malayalam movies Notebook and Vinodayathra . In turn acting in Malayalam movies of Parvathi Menon made to get an offer to act as a heroin with
Power star Puneet Rajkumar in the
Kannada movie Milana. The movie Milana was released on 14th June, 2007.The movie "Milana" had great success and ran for 500 days at PVR Theatre Bangalore/Bengaluru.From the movie "Milana" Parvathi Menon became more popular actress in Kannada Film Industry/sandalwood. There after Parvathi Menon got offers to act in Kannada movie Male Barali Manju Irali , with Srinagara Kitti and Kannada Movie Prithvi with Power star Puneet Rajkumar .The move "Prithvi" got good response. Meanwhile Parvathi Menon got lot of offers from Tamil (Kollywood) and Malayalam .Parvathi Menon in long Skirt

Movies of Parvathi Menon

Out of Syllabus - 2006 (Debut movie in Malayalam)

Notebook - 2006

Vinodayathra - 2006

Milana - 2007 (Debut movie in Kannada)

Flash - 2007 (Malayalam)

Poo - 2007 (Tamil)

Male Barali Manju Irali - 2009 (Kannada)

Plus Two - 2010 (Telugu)

Prithvi - 2010 (Kannada)

City of God - 2011 (Malayalam)

Ishtam Enikishtam - 2011 (Malayalam)

Upcoming Movies of Kannada Actress Parvathi Menon

Movie Name - Naavuyaarigenu Kammiilla (Kannada)

Suspected date of release - September-2012.

Movie Name - Prithvi IAS (Telugu)

Suspected date of release - September-2011.

Movie Name - Annakodiyum Kodiveeranum (Tamil)

Suspected date of release - September-2012.

Awards of Parvathi Menon

Parvathi Menon honoured for the Filmfare Best Tamil Actress Award -2008 for her performance in the Tamil Movie POO .

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