Tula Sankramana -festival of Karnataka

In this article you can find a brief note on the festival tula sankramana,how to reach talacavery, on going events and other facilities related to safety of pilgrims along with parking of vehicles during this occasion.


Tula Sankramana is a festival in Karnataka mainly celebrated at Kodagu district. Tula Sankramana is celebrated in the Monday , the 17th of October 2011 at 4.35pm. Mother cavery is the goddess of kodavas.

Talacavery is the place where the river Cauvery took its birth and spread its wings over Karnataka. People take a dip is the holy water, this place is popularly known as thirthodbhava. It is a belief the goddess cavery appears in the form of a spring and will bless them at this talacavery. Fairs and cultural programs will be organized on this special occasion. This holy water is preserved in the Kodava homes. A spoonful of this holy water is given to the person who is on his verge of death. It is of the belief the person who takes this thirtha will attain moksha.

All other piligrims who cannot visit this place try to visit Bulmuri, which is around 15kms from Mysore, Karnataka and Srirangapatna which is about 14kms from Mysore and 128kms from Bangalore, Karnataka where the river cavery flows. Few of them get the holy thirtha from talacavery in water bottles to sprinkle on others heads, who could not visit the place.

More than one lakh piligrims are expected every year at talacavery for tula sankramana festival. Additional bus facility for the piligrims along with food, water, sanitation and health aid facilities are organized by the district administration. Huge parking facilities for the private vehicles for only the persons who have procured the vehicles passess from the police department are allowed near talacavery. All other vehicles have to park 150 metres away from the temple surroundings at Bhagamandala.

Route to reach Talacavery:-

By bus: Mysore–Mangalore via kodagu. Frequent bus services enable to reach within 5 hours.
Private vehicle:From Mysore it is 120 kms. From Mangalore it is around 135 kms. Maintain normal speed as this route is ghat section with lot of curve roads.
By train and flight: The nearest place is Mangalore.

Safe driving, safe health and plastic free environment are expected during this tula sankramana festival by the District commissioner.


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