Early life, carrier and full Profile and biography of B.C. Khanduri

B.C. Khanduri is a popular politian in Uttarakhand and was the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand. In this article you will find complete information about B.C. Khanduri. You will find all details like- early life, carrier and political carrier of B.C. Khanduri. For more information kindly read the article following.

Profile biography and complete information about Maj. Gen. Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri

Maj. Gen. Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri also known as Bhuvan Chandra was the former Chief minister of Uttarakhand and is a very strong politician in Uttarakhand. In this article you will find complete detail about him. B.C. Khanduri was born 1
October 1934 and is a very experienced politician. He also handles charge of Uttarakhand from March 8, 2007 to June 24, 2009. He has a very good political carriere and was a member of the 14th Lok Sabha of India.

Early life of B.C. Khanduri

In this paragraph you will find all the information about early life of B.C. Khanduri. So lets start. As said above B.C. Khanduri was born in year 1934. His birth place is Dehradun which is the capital city of Uttarakhand. He did his education from Allahabad University and College of Military Engineering Pune. Then he studied in Institute of Engineers New Delhi and then he went to Institute of Defence Management, Secunderabad. So you can just imagine how strong B.C. Khanduri is in his education carrier.

Army career of B.C. Khanduri

After completing his education he serves his services in Indian Military. First of all he works in Corps of Engineers Indian Army for a long period of time from 1954 to 1990. During his service he also recieved many awards like- Ati Vishisht Seva Medal in 1982 and he recieved this award from President of India.

B.C. Khanduri in Politics

After giving his faithful service to Indian army, B.C. Khanduri enters into Indian Politics. In very starting B.C. Khanduri gets a chance and he was elected for Lok Sabha from Garhwal in Uttarakhand. This happens in 1991. He was also selected as minister of state of following departments- Road, Transport and Highways. After this B.C. Khanduri was promoted to cabinet rank in year 2003.

B.C. Khanduri as Chief Minister of Uttarakhand- after B.C. Khanduri gains faith of peoples, he was selected as Chief Minister of Uttarakhand in February 2007. This is all about B.C. Khanduri political carrier.
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