Violence on the road

This article throws light on the increasing number of accidents occurring nowadays and how we can avoid these fatal accidents.

ARTICLE : Violence on the road.

The recent film," Changing Lanes" brought into sharp focus the epidemic disorder of road rage. With the number of vehicles increasing everyday, it is on the increase all over the world. We can see clearly from the graph that the factors that compound road rage are: intolerance and lack of self-discipline, having a sense of superiority and control while driving, family and work stress, environmental stress, traffic jams etc.

We need to remember that "license to drive is not a license to kill". To avoid road rage a sense of discipline and responsibility has to inculcate between the entire motorist. We must pledge to know and abide by the traffic rules. Respect and courtesy towards fellow drivers must be the norm. When leaving the house for an appointment, start early to maintain your cool, if there is a delay. Do not be on a short fuel while driving .Always measure your words and actions. Counting up to ten is a good rule of thumb to avoid stress and unpleasant situation.

Every calm and disciplined river helps to save a precious live. Always remember to be polite and share the road. This will ensure the end of road rage.


Guest Author: Ashwin22 Jan 2011

Do not drive when you are drunk.Drive slowly on roads and follow the traffic rule. Park your vehicle in the Parking areas only.

Guest Author: trupti gulhane23 Jan 2011

Thanks ashwin for additional points :)

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