Timings and Entry fees at Adhisayam theme park, Madurai

This article gives you informations about the Timings and entry fees at the Adhisayam theme park Madurai.

Timings at Adhisayam theme park

The Adhisayam theme park gate will be opened every morning 10:30 AM.

If you are driven to the Adhisayam theme park by bus, you will be alighted at the entrance gate of Adhisayam theme park and you will have to walk for some distance to reach the gate of Adhisayam theme park.

Entry fees at Adhisayam theme park

Entry fees for the adults in Adhisayam theme park is, Rs 400

Entry fees for the children in Adhisayam theme park is, Rs. 250.


The entry fee is collected with respect to the height of the customer basically. The minimum and maximum range fees are stated above.

Fees for locker facility at Adhisayam theme park

The fees for using the locker facility is Rs.15

The locker key will be given to you and the same will have to be produced at the reception when you are coming out from the park.

Fees for boating at Adhisayam theme park

Pedal couple/family boating-Rs. 25

Machine group boating- Rs. 50

Fees for dashing rides

20 minutes ride on electrical Dashing cars- Rs. 20 per person.

All other dimentions of the Adhisayam theme park's Dry park and water park are will be included in the Entry fees itself.

Fees to park car at Adhisayam theme park

15 Rs will be collected for parking the car at the entrance of Adhisayam theme park.

Money to be carried for lunch at Adhsayam theme park

Minimum cast for the lunch at Adhisayam theme park is Rs.30 per person

Adhisaym them park restaurant

Foods available in Adhisayam theme park

The restaurant in Adhisayam theme park is with the following foods for the lunch

Chilli parota

Curd rice and

Lemon rice

with some soft drinks and snacks.


Guest Author: J.ramya varshini29 Apr 2013

Its very amazing theme park. I like & love it very much . I like&thanks to give this entry fees cheaply. Its timing also good to come .

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