Valentine's Day Greetings - I Will Love You Forever

Here is the Greeting Cards On Valentine's Day and impress your love with this Free Valentine's Day Greeting Card which is a perfect gift to give on Valentine's Day.

Perfect Gift on Valentine's Day

What makes a perfect gift on valentine's day? than to express your love in a more fascinating way. Here is the greetings for you on valentine's day for your Forever Love who is everything to you - a perfect partnet or a partner to be.

Valentine's Day Greeting Card - I Will Love You Forever

Valentine RoseDarling, you are the best thing
that's ever happened to me.
You are my Love, my confidante
and my best friend
sometimes I wonder if I
could name a rose after you
what name could I give that'd
capture my feelings?

Valentine KissesI could name it "Summer Sunset"
because your touch is like
the soft dusk of August.

I could name it, "Bright Surprise,"
because your smiles and kisses
add so much excitement to my life.

I could name it "Dream Maker,"
because all my hopes and plans find
their fulfillment in you.

But none of these names could
ever say it all or truly describe how I feel.

ValentineI guess, if I could name a rose after you
I'd name it "Forever Love,"
because that's what you are to me and
why I'm so much in love with you.

And believe me Honey, When I say I Love You I
want it to mean that you're a part of me and I am a part
of you and no matter what happens in this world, we will
always be there for each other sharing our lives
and our happiness.


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