International Women’s Day 2011 – Empowerment of Women

Today We are Celebrating 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day. The theme for International Women's day 2011 is on equal access to education, training and science and technology.

International Women's Day 2011 – Empowerment of Women

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th of every year. The theme for International Women's day 2011 is on equal access to International Womeneducation, training and science and technology and the women of today has access to the areas of advancement, the market place, the work place and in the fields of technology, by enlarge the scope of her participation in the broader life, to improve their participation in public life outside the confines of the family. She has now entered the male dominated world stepping out of being protected within the four walls of the house. Her new role is varied. She not only plays a vital role in household, but also in the economy, rendering her services in various fields. Thus, she has been empowered with the ability to envision a better future with the determination to overcome various obstacles.

How does education help women in terms of self-perception?

The society of today calls for a speedy change, not an incidentals change but a radical transformation both on economic and social fronts. One such change is the creation of universal social order, which ensures the involvement and participation of every section of society, particularly, women in the process of country's development. Education not only brings awareness but it also equips people with the right knowledge to proceed in the right direction.

Effects of Empowerment

Earlier days woman occupied an inferior position in society and most of them seemed like "dumb driven cattle". They remained simply as housewives not allowed to take part in the activities outside the house. Today with the eco empowerment of women, the issue of their participation in family decision-making process has undergone a crucial change. Woman and her spouse are taken most decisions together.

In today's industrial scenario it would not be a great shock to see a woman holding the top management position in corporate world. Such a position requires tough decision-making skills of managerial capabilities. The woman at these levels of organizational hierarchy suggests that she is capable of accomplishing much more than simply executing household chores and homes related decision making. Today, there are also a large number of women entrepreneurs who have embarked on their own ventures as this offers them a flexible life style.

Although successful woman very often attribute their rise to luck, fate or chance, it is clear that their sense of adventure means that opportunity does not have to knock twice on their door. But the role and status of women will be improved only if the glaring inequalities in employment and education are reduced considerably, and programmes of social justice, economic equalities and political rights are promoted vigorously.


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