Biography & profile of Tamil actress Asin Thottumkal

Are you looking for the Tamil actress Asin details? or are you looking to know entire movie history of south indian actress Asin? here is the resource for you. I have covered the the important aspects of Asin right form her childhood to recent awards won by this actress. I have also tried to collect as much as information on recent bollywood actress asin

Biography of Tamil Actress Asin Thottumkal

Asin Thottumkal is a famous Indian actress who entered the tamil film industry in the year 2001. Asin Thottumkal was born on October 26, 1985 at Cochin, Kerala, India. She did her College in St. Theresa's School in Kochi for her Plus Two education. Her mother tongue is malayalam. She is the daughter of Joseph Thottumkal, a businessman, and Seline Thottumkal , a surgeon. She has quoted that her name means "pure and without blemish". She claims that "the 'A' in her name is from Sanskrit meaning without and sin from English. she learned a Bachelors of Arts degree in English Literature. she assisted her business which includes software, export of furniture and antiques.

Career of beautiful actress Asin Thottumkal

Asin Thottumkal started her career as a exporters of furniture and antiques. she acted in many tamil films and had made her entry as a heroine in bollywood films. Later she began acting in telugu and kannada films and every films acted by her became superhit films.
The young heroine Asin Thottumkal is a comeing to the tamil film industry. Her first tamil film is M. Kumaran son of Mahalakshmi with the leading tamil hero Jayam Ravi. Now he is acting in many tamil films which include Jayam, Daas with son of Mohan.

Bio-data of Tamil Actress Asin Thottumkal

AsinFull Name: Asin Thottumkal
Alternate Names: Malabar Ahzagi
Father's Name: Mr. Joseph Thottumkal
Mother's Name: Mrs. Seline Thottumkal
Date of Birth: October 26, 1985
Birth Place: Cochin in Kerala
Nationality: Indian
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Black
Schoool: Naval Public School
Languages known: tamil, Telugu, Marathi, French, English and Hindi

Filmography of M. Kumaran son of Mahalakshmi heroine Asin Thottumkal

Asin Thottumkal has become popular all over India. She is over-talented and she is able to act in many language films. She after became the heroine in tamil films. Now asin is popular in the South Indian film industry. She has become the top heroine in tamil,Malayalam, telugu and Hindi movies. The films acted by Asin are listed below:

Telgu films of Asin Thottumkal
film photo asin2003-AmmaNannaOTamilaAmmayi
2003-Shivamani 9848022338
2004-Lakshmi Narasimha

Tamil films of Asin Thottumkal
2004- Ullam Ketkumae

Malayalam films of Asin Thottumkal
2001-Narendran Makan Jayakanthan Vaka
Hindi films of Asin Thottumkal
2009-London Dreams

Upcoming films of Asin Thottumkal

Housefull 2


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