How to make Tamilnadu special idli variety Kanchipuram Idli

This resource "How to make Tamilnadu special idli variety Kanchipuram Idli" gives you a simple and easy method for preparing traditional Kanchipuram idli. In this resource you will get to know the ingredients and the preparation method of this special spicy idli.

Tamilnadu special idli variety - Kanchipuram Idli

Kanchipuram Idli is a special idli recipe from Kanchipuram which is a holy city in Tamilnadu. Kanchipuram Idly was served as prasadam in ancient days in Perumal Temples located in Kanchipuram. It is a heavy spicy idli variety which satisfies your hunger. Read the article and try this at your home.

Ingredients needed to make Tamilnadu special Kanchipuram Idli

Boiled rice – 2 cup
Raw rice – 1 cup
Urud dal – 1 ½ cup
Fenugreek – 1 tbsp
Cooking soda - 1/2 tsp
salt to taste

For seasoning
Pepper - 2 tsp
Jeera - 2 tsp
ginger - finely chopped
Bengal gram dal - 4 tsp
Urad dal - 4 tsp
A sprig of curry leaves

Method to prepare Kanchipuram idli

1. Clean and soak both the rices and dal for 5-6 hrs.

2. Grind the urud dal in a grinder and then the rice to a smooth batter. Mix both together adding required amount of salt.

3. Allow this to ferment for 10 hrs or overnight.

4. Add cooking soda to the batter after it is ferment.

5. In a kadai, add 1 tsp of oil and roast all the items given under seasoning. Add this to the batter and mix well.

6. Pour the batter into the idli plates or in Thatee idli plates and cook for 15- 20 mins in a pressure cooker or idli maker.

7. Now the Kanchipuram idli is ready to be served.

Serve this with Karuveppillai chutney and idli podi.


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