The complete details of Nathakulam village in Tamil Nadu
Read this article to have a complete review of Nathakulam village in Tamil Nadu. Almost all necessary details included in the village profile. The article will be very beneficial for a stranger who want to visit this village or nearby village for various reason.
The complete details of Nathakulam village in Tamil Nadu
This article is to give a complete detail about the village of Nathakulam. The village comes under the district of Ramanathapuram. It is a beautiful village. It is surrounded north by Koravalli vilage, south by Indian ocean, east by vellariodai post and west by karan village. If we look the profile of this village 20 years back, there was nothing except a primary school and half supplied electricity but now the whole setup changed to a lot. So, comprising all available features and dependency of the village with the nearby village the village detail article is created.
It is very difficult for the strangers to visit all these villages. Nowadays, large number of teachers, officers and other NGO workers reaches all villages which are lying in far flung areas. Without knowing the minimum details of the village they are forced to face many obstacles as a result the problem begins from the initial day onwards. If they know minimum details than they can set them ready to face all such shortages and challenges of the villages in advance.
Hello sir,
There are many villages in Tamilnadu. I didnt hear about this village. This article gives me some knowledge about this village