An Independence Day Speech – A Celebration of Country’s Freedom
This article outlines a sample speech that can be presented at a school in its Independence Day Celebration. There are many types of festivals eminent in India which has its own significance. The National festivals are those that are being enjoyed by all citizens of the country irrespective of their caste, creed, religion and language.
Speech on Independence Day
Respected Chief Guest, Teachers, Parents and Students my warm welcome to all on this Independence Day celebration. I like to thank the School committee and staff members for providing me an opportunity to present a short topic about Celebration of Country's Freedom on this special occasion. I like to highlight and put forth my point of view regarding Independence Day celebration and its importance.
The 15th of August is a Red Letter Day in our calendar because it is observed as one of the most important day in the history of our country. In 16th and 17th century India was one of the richest countries in the world with its deposits of minerals and agricultural products providing a huge opportunity for Trade option in India. More number of players was able to sustain their success and they too even established a company in our country. India was a group of small countries at that time being divided into number of kingdoms ruled by different families of peoples. It is also noted that few kingdoms were not able to sustain their rule and with the help of British and their superior weapons they decide to retain it status but the cunning British took it as an opportunity and slowly trapped all parts of India into their control of action.
The foreigners and outsiders used to rule our country for their own good and to get rich by using our wealth and natural resources and not for the welfare of Indians. For a long time people didn't understand the evils of foreign rule and kept silent. It was only during British rule the Influence of western Education that educated Indians to understand the blessings of freedom and self rule. The British were wise and they didn't like to encourage the spread of education and progress of ideas of Political freedom.
The first freedom fighter name that comes up in any Indian mind would be Mahatama Gandhiji who is called as the Father of Nation. He was the first person to use weapons such as Non Violence and Non Resistance to fight against the British. Some of his campaigns against British are Civil Disobedience, Quit India Movement, Dandhi March and Non Cooperation movement. Mahatama assumed the supreme leadership with his close followers and thousands of Indians gave out several campaigns and made countless sacrifice and suffered untold hardship in course of freedom until the British government decided to withdraw its rule and hand over its power to Indians.
The Indian National flags are hoisted at various state capitals and union territories by various leaders and rulers with their speech on Independence. Many countries sing an Independence Day song to show their respect during national holidays with various stage plays, dramas as an important event in leading up their countries freedom.Conclusion
An Independence Day party is not only a time to get together with friends and family and to watch special shows on television but it is a day to remember and appreciate our leaders about their sacrifice done on their behalf. It's a greatest celebration of time where we forget about our differences, religions, political discrepancies and prejudices to celebrate our freedom.
Wake up India to salute the leaders of our Nation.
Jai Hind……………………..