CBSE conducts AIEEE through online from 2012
CBSE introduces the online examination of AIEEE. Although many students shown their interest over pen paper examination but CBSE is not ready to conduct the examination through the conventional method.
CBSE conducts AIEEE through online from 2012
AIEEE which is the largest examination in mass as compared to other engineering entrance examinations. CBSE conducts the examination all throughout India. The examination is scheduled to held on 29th April, 2012 nationwide. This is the gateway for getting admission in all NIT and other engineering colleges. Large number of students applied for the examination and shown their desirous over the conventional format of writing examination as paper pen. But the CBSE is not at all favor to the paper pen examination instead the body is making its mind set over the online examination. So, all students who are about to appear in the said examination make themselves familiar with the online examination and the procedures to carry out those task successfully. The board also asked the students to have an internet connections in their offices or home for the successful completion of the examination.Merits of conducting AIEEE online
Though the majority of students shown their consent over the paper pen examination but the CBSE is getting ready for conducting the same examination over online. There are many advantages of online examination.
Question paper leak may be checked by online examination.
It reduces the stationary costs and other transportation charges to some extent.
It reduces the consumption of paper and other packing materials.
It has no effect of postal delay.
Easy to collect the examination data.
It helps in the fast announcement of results.
considering all the benefits of conducting online examination. The CBSE is determined to conduct the examination by online. Bitter experience in the past
CBSE will never forget the bitter experience of paper leak issue last year. The issue made defame the CBSE and its credibility all throughout the world. Therefore, the board is very strict to conduct the examination through online. Conducting the AIEEE by online is very easy and free from all obstacles. So, this year students are advised to make themselves familiar with all the procedures of appearing online examination.
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