TN Tamilnadu Schools New Grading System CCE ,Points,Grades details
In this article I have provided detailed information about the new grading system, grades ,points and mark range for grades in Tamilnadu schools which has been introduced by the School Education Department. The year of implematenations have also been provided.
New Grading System for schools in Tamilnadu:
The Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation system CCE for classes 1 to 8 has been proposed in Tamilnadu by the School Education Department. The system will be introduced from the next academic (2012-2013) for classes from 1 to 8 standards. For classes 9 to 10 the system will be introduced later from the year (2013-2014) . This decision has been taken following the recommendations of the Expert Panel group. CCE grading System
The CCE system has been introduced to take the burden off the students and to make the learning system better in schools. As Per the CCE, students are evaluated through Formative assessments (FA) that is conducted through each term and Summative Assessments (SA) which will be carried out at the end of a particular term. Along with the academic skills, Life skills , arts and sports activities will be included in the evaluating system. Formative assessment (FA)will be done by the teachers based on the participation of the students in the class, projects and other discussions. These formative assessments are for a total of 40 marks. Summative assessments(Written Tests) will be done based on the written test for a total of 60 marks. Both FA and SA will be conducted thrice and the cumulative total scores would be converted into grades by the schools on a 10 point scale. CCE is similar to semesters in colleges.
According to the new system A1 is the highest grade and the least one is E2.
Below is the detailed list of the new grading system for schools in Tamilnadu.Marks, Grades and Points of Tamilnadu Grading System:
Advantages of CCE:
Students will be relieved of exam fear and tension. Great escape for students from exams, note learning, extra coaching classes, tuitions etc. Then also have the choice to choose a non academic skill and develop their talent. They might have a stress free learning system.
Disadvantages of CCE:
Non academic skills which will be taught in the schools will be limited and so the choice for the studnets to select one or two among those skills will be difficult.
The teachers appointed for these non academic kills wil be very few and it would be difficult . The impartation of the skills to a considerable level is question to be answered.
Yardsticks for measuring the grades in these Non academic skills are not well defined.
Teachers can also get biased in allotting these grades. In backward area schools ,children come from very poor family background and for those who don't have educated parents might lose to identify the right choice of skill. Will the Materials for the non academic skills be available in all the schools? Syllabus should be changed according to the system.
The Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation CCE ,will help students to curb note learning and help them to apply the concepts they have learnt and thereby making the system an application based approach.