Our valuable tradition and good practices from our anchestors in Tamilnadu
In this article I had presented some of the valuable information about our traditions. Here you can come across with the answers of some important questions from which we can understand how precious our culture and traditions are and how our ancestors kept things according to nature.
Our valuable tradition and good practices from our anchestors in Tamilnadu
Why Lord Ganapathy is given primary importance in Temples?
Because, Omkaram is the source of all resources in the world and Lord ganesh is the form of Omkaram. so we give primary importance to lord ganesh in temples.
What is the philosophy of offering coconut in temple?
According to our tradition coconut represents 3 fetters. The husk of coconut symbolises Maya, the fibre represents Kanma, and the white kernel inside represents divinity. So the meaning is we have to get rid of these three fetters and to get mukthy.
What are the benefits of worshiping Navagrahas?
Why we wear chanthanam and kumkumam?
Chanthanam reduces our body heat and makes us to feel cool and refreshes us.
Kumkumam which we use to put between our eyebrows is the place where many nreves from our body converge so to avoid generation of heat and to get rid of bad forces we wear kumkumam.
What is the concept behind wearing viputhi?
Actually is called sacred ash. We wear it to reveal that cow dung removes dirt and makes the place clean. just as we wear viputhi to remove all impurities from our body and we should realize that nothing belongs to us in the world and all will be in the form of ashes one day. So each and every activities are only based on the nature and philosophy that our ancestors followed which had emerged as our precious tradition. so, be proud to be an Indian which stands first in its heritage and culture even today. Lets try our best to safely keep up our tradition.
These were the religious practices that were practiced by our ancestors but now a days they have been forgotten by the mankind as most of them are very busy in office and jobs. I feel that if the practices like Surya Namaskaram at the early morning make the person healthy and can avoid tensions in work areas.