Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Raasi's affected by Sani, Predictions and Parigarams
This resource gives you all the details about Sani Peyarchi 2011. In this resource you get to know What is Sani Peyarchi? Which raasi people are going to be affected by this Sani Peyarchi 2011 and the poojas to be performed for Sani Bhaghawan.
Sani Peyarchi 2011
What is Sani Peyarchi: The planet Shani / Sani or Saturn takes 30 years for completing one revolution around the sun. While on its revolution it will pass through all the 12 rashis or moonsigns, i.e., it takes on an average of two and half years on each of the 12 raasis. This movement or revolution has got a great significance in Hindu astrology and horoscope. Lord Shani Baghwan is the more powerful God among the Navagrahas. The Lord Shani is going to change his position and that is called as Sani Peyarchi. This year this has happened on 14th November at 12-45 PM from Kanni Raasi to Thula Raasi.
There is another Panjangam called Suddha Vaakiya Panjangam according to which Sani Peyarchi will be on 21-12-2011 in the early hours. Thulam raasi people will either get a positive or a negative node as per their individual horoscope. The Lord will bless the devotees with everything such as fame, money, marriage, children, etc. which will make the devotee to enjoy lifelong. At the same time he also gives bad effects which will be very dangerous. Read the article to know the Sani Peyarchi Predictions 2011 so that you will be psychologically prepared.Sani Peyarchi Raasi Effectiveness
The position of Lord Sani on each of the 12 raasi's are as follows:
• Mesha – In 7
• Rishaba – In 6
• Mithunam – In 5 Freedom from Arthastama Sani
• Katagam – In 7 Arthastama Sani Begins
• Simha – In 3 Freedom from Ezharai naattu sani • Kanni – In 2 Freed from Jenma sani and the beginning of Patha sani
• Thula – In 1 Jenma sani begins
• Vrichigam – In 12 Ezharainattu sani begins
• Dhanusu – In 11
• Kumbham – In 9 Freed from Ashtama sani frees
• Meenam – In 8 Ashtama sani begins
• Magaram – In 10 Mathima EffectivenessRasis affected by Sani Peyarchi
Six of the raasi's are going to be affected by this Sani Peyarchi 2011. This is going to cause bad effects on the following raasi's:
• Thulam (Libra)
• Kanni (Virgo)
• Meenam (Pisces)
• Vrischikam (Scorpio)
• Kadagam (Cancer)
• Mesham (Aries)
The other raasi's are going to be blessed with goodness of the Lord. These are just predictions and it differs with the individuals horoscope. Poojas to Lord Sani for Sani Peyarchi
Everyone born in the above Rasis must do poojas to the Lord so that you will be relieved from the sufferings which is going to happen due to this position of Sani. Poojas offered in the temples for Sani Peyarchi are as follows:
2.Thirukollikadu(Pongu sani)
3.Thirunaraiyur(Mangala Sani)
4.kuchanarType of Poojas for Sani Peyarchi
The below poojas are performed to cool the Lord so that the bad effects from this Sani Peyarchi will be relieved.
1.Archana - Rs.300 per temple
2.Sahasranamam Archana - Rs.450 temple
3.Pal Abishekam - Rs.600 per temple
4.Paripurana Abishekam - Rs.1000 per temple
5.sani peyarchi parihara Homam - Rs.6000
6.Exclusive sani peyarchi Homam sangalapam per person - Rs.250
Devotees must also visit the Navagraha temple on every Saturdays and must offer ellu or sesame seeds to the lord.