Jayalalitha's bold decisions against the people of Tamil Nadu
This is the article on the present scenario existing in the state of Tamil Nadu. The government has took some effective steps against the poor people of our country and almost all the categories are affected by the price hike. I would say that if jayalalitha would take similar actions against the public the people voting her would minimize day by day.
Jayalalitha's bold decisions against the people of Tamil Nadu
This is the article about the chief minister's bold actions that were taken in Tamil Nadu. She has taken some steps that are criticized for the effect on that. There were many actions made by her right from the beginning of this political period. As soon as Jayalalitha won the elections in Tamil Nadu by defeating Karunanidhi, she offered many schemes for the welfare of the public but as of now she has directed many such orders that affect the interest of the public to a large extend.
Here are some of the changes she made to the Tamil Nadu people recently and they are discussed as belowRemoval of Kalaignar Kaapeetu thittam
Firstly she had closed many welfare activities that were offered by the government to the general public. I think the most welcomed hospitality service Kalaignar Kaapeetu Thittam was closed as soon as Jayalalitha came into the rule to govern the state. It was reported many people who were struggling with their lives were benefitted by this act of the previous government where the government paid the cost that occurred on the health of the person if he is a heart patient.Changing the secretariat building from Mount road to St. George fort
Secondly, she shifted the Tamilnadu secretariat building from mount road to St. Church which was condemnable act of the present government and converted the secretariat building into a multi facilitated Hospital. It clearly shows that her intention was to replace the things that were built by the previous government.A try to shift Anna library into a Children's Hospital
Then it was the turn to shift the Anna centenary library into a multi-facilitated Children's hospital. There were much opposition made by the other people of the state and even the judge questioned Jaya for her act on this thing. The judge said if your motive was to build a multi facilitated hospital why can't you develop another building for that purpose. I think that the judge asked the right question and the plan to convert them was stopped by the court.Removal of jobs provided by DMK in Tamil Nadu
Then she did not stop and went on to create yet another problem by removing the social workers who were employed by the previous government. It has been said that thousands and thousands of people were removed from the job that was provided by the previous government. I think the same incident has taken place already too and it is the practice of Jayalalitha to make such changes. Now thousands of employees left over in the streets without proper income from the government.The recent change on ticket fares in Tamil Nadu
I would say that the recent change in the bus ticket rates in Tamil Nadu have made the people to struggle a lot. It has been reported that the government is charging twice the amount as that was collected earlier. I think this is the rubbish act that would decline the chance of her to come to throne after this period of time. I think that the charge has been doubled and the passengers say that the government have raised the fares to a large amount as that of before and prefer to go by the trains rather than bus as the fares of train is somewhat minimum than the bus fares. The most affected people by this change are the students and the employees who have to go to the office every day.Change in the daily and Monthly pass in Chennai
The change in monthly and daily pass has been increased on a very large scale. I think that the daily pass that was offered before for a sum of 30 rupees is now offered for 50 rupees. The monthly pass has also increased from Rupees 600 to 1000 per month and the students find it very hard to digest. I think this would make the people to afford more number of bikes as the alternative and this would soon replace the buses. Tamil Nadu buses were known for low cost and now as the price of the fares have been raised the use of public transport would be minimized to a great extend.Change in the prices of Milk Packets in Tamil Nadu
The change in the milk which is one of the necessary products for almost all the houses have been increased to a large extends. Today I happened to go to the co operative market where we always buy milk and when I asked the price of the milk packet in chennai, I was shocked a study increase from 11 rupees to 15 rupees per packet was the reason for getting that shock. I think that all these acts have made the people angry on the present government and one has to wait till the next political change to take a revenge on the present government.
When the Chief Minister was asked about the change she stated that she has to bring stability among the state and for its betterment and the previous government was responsible for the price hike that is taking place as of now. She has also said that Karunanidhi has benefitted the people only by making a loss to the government.Karunanidhi's Reply towards Jayalalitha's statements
Karunanidhi has stated that Jayalalitha is the sole responsible person for the price hike. She should not have increased the price of the common transport and milk packet that are the essential things of human. He also stated that though the government stated him to increase the fares in the past, he did not do that as he was conscious of the people and their welfare.