Tamilnadu Breakfast recipe Tomato Uthapam

This article "Tamilnadu Breakfast recipe Tomato Uthapam" gives you the easy method of making tomato Uthapam. Read the article and prepare this tasty breakfast in your kitchen.

Tamilnadu Breakfast recipe Tomato Uthapam

Tomato Uthapam is a very traditional breakfast recipe of Tamilnadu which differs from the normal uthapams. The tomatoes blend well with the uthapams and make it more tastier and also stomach filling.

Ingredients for making Tamilnadu Breakfast recipe Tomato Uthapam

2 cups Idli rice
1 cup Urad dal
1 tomato
1 onion
2 greenchillies
1 tsp pepper powder
A Handful of aval

Preparation of Tamilnadu Breakfast recipe Tomato Uthapam

dosa1. Soak the Idli rice and Urad dhal for about 6 hours and grind well to a thick batter consistenct.

2. Aval should be added along with the rice and should be left for fermentation.

3. Heat the Dosa tava and pour a ladle of the batter in a thick consistency.

4. Garnish the uthapam with tomato, onion and green chillies.

Serve the tomato Uthapam hot with Onion chutney


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