Complete information about World Series Hockey 2012
World Series Hockey is the first series of hockey tournament between Indian Hockey Federation and Nimbus Sport. A total of eight different teams from various states of India are being involved in the league. In addition you can get with various other information like World Series Hockey Rules and Format along with its tournament styles and scoring method including its venue and dates of respective teams and their prize details.
About World Series Hockey
Hockey has become one of the popular games in India and presently Hockey is considered as the national game of India. World Series hockey is the first series of hockey tournament which is a joint initiative between Indian hockey federation and Nimbus Sports. The main motto of it is to bring the sport hockey to a great extent in all ways in India among different set of people. According to the news from media the World Series Hockey is to held from December 17th 2011 to January 22nd 2012 with 200 players both nationally and inter nationally and the game is to be played in 61 matches. As per the latest official news release the most awaited World Series Hockey tournament is being postponed since the players are being put into Olympic qualifier matches. But finally the organizers have decided to start the tournament on 29th February 2012 with a list of 8 teams into the league. The tournament is to be conducted for 30 days till 30th March 2012 and after that the qualified team will be put into two semi finals to be held on 1st and 2nd April 2012 and then into finals. A total of 56 matches will be in the league stages and all the eight teams will be put into the game and the finally the four top finishers will be qualified for semi final stages and then into finals.
World Series Hockey Team Lists and their Roles
A total of 8 teams named after their city are being involved in the league and are going to fight for their glory with 176 leading players around the world.
-Sher E Punjab(Jalandhar)
-Chennai cheetahs
-Pune strykers
-Delhi wizards
-Karnataka lions
-Mumbai marines
-Chandigarh comets
-Bhopal badshahs
Each and every above said team consists of a Coach, a Captain and a set of 11 players into the team with different roles like Goal keeper, Defender, Mid fielder and Forward player(Strikers).
Role of a captain
1.To put full dedication of work with excellent communication and vocal during the game.
2.Help in encouraging and motivating the team in all ways
3.Involve himself and encourage his team to develop a positive trait till the end of the game
Role of a Coach
The main role of a coach would be to act as a good instructor, assessors to assess the skills and traits of each individual player and be a motivator in all ways and act as a counselor for the team mates involved in the game.
Role of a Defender
In sports defense plays a vital role and the main role of a defense player is to ensure that they would not provide a way for the opposite team to create any scoring opportunities. These players should have good attention towards the game and in few cases they have to put themselves in centre line to support the forward and mid player. Most of the teams have 4 players in defense lines at Right half, Right back, Left half and Left back.
Role of a Mid Fielder
Mid Fielder is a demanding position and these player should be more aggressive with good stamina as they are responsible for putting them into both offense and defense position in the field and support the attackers during their team attacks. A mid fielder must be able to move into attack area to assist the attackers in moving the ball up field and limit the chances of other teams with their scoring opportunities. Generally 3 players play the role as a mid fielder at various place of position like inner right, inner left and Center half.
Role of Forwarder/Strikers
Forward is an attacking position in field hockey and in most cases 3 players are put up in this position at Right wing, Center forwards and Left wing. These players work in a team to create opportunity for others in their team by converting the opponent team scoring opportunities.
Role of Goal Keeper
Goal Keeper should be fast and aggressive with good skill set in using his hand and feet as he restricts various shots taken by the team in getting with a goal.World Series Hockey Rules and Format
World Series Hockey Rules
Each team can have around 25 registered players and among them only 18 players are allowed to play the game.
All matches will be played for 70 minutes in two halves.
Each team consists of a Sponser and Advertiser.
The team will have Green and Yellow card for on field offences.
World Series Hockey Format
A total of 8 teams will be representing 8 different states of India.
The World Series Hockey would be as a 5 week game.
A total of 56 matches are to be played exclusive of semi finals and finals.Venues and Dates of Respective Teams of World Series Hockey Match
A total of 56 matches with 7 matches in each stadium exclusive of semi finals and finals are to be played at different venues in various states of India. The venues and date list are summarized below as:
Stadium List
Dhyan Chand National Stadium – Delhi
Bangalore Hockey Stadium – Bangalore
Mayor Radha Krishnan Stadium – Chennai
PCMC Hockey Stadium – Pune
Mahindra Hockey Stadium – Mumbai
Sector 42 Stadium – Chandigarh
Surjeet Hockey Stadium – Jalandhar
Aishbagh Stadium – Bhopal
Date Lists at respective Place of StadiumsAt Bangalore – 5th, 6th, 8th, 17th, 21st, 23rd, 24th March 2012
At Bhopal – 9th, 10th, 12th, 24th, 25th, 27th, 29th March 2012
At Chandigarh – 29th Feb 2012, 3rd, 8th, 19th, 20th, 28th, 29th March 2012
At Chennai – 6th, 9th, 10th, 20th, 25th, 26th, 28th March 2012
At Delhi – 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 30th March 2012
At Jalandhar – 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 16th, 17th, 21st March 2012
At Mumbai – 1st, 2nd, 4th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 30th March 2012
At Pune – 7th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 23rd, 26th, 27th March 2012Match Schedule of World Series Hockey 2012
The first match of World Series Hockey 2012 is to start at 29th February 2012 at Sector 4 stadium in Chandigarh and will end up by 2nd April 2012. The department has decided to conduct the semi finals for the qualifying teams as 2 matches on 1st April 2012 and finally the qualifying team will be put up into finals next day on 2nd April 2012.
World Series Hockey Tournament Styles
There are different patterns of styles for tournament brackets and in World Series Hockey they have decided to go with Double Round Robin method where each individual team will play with every other participating team's twice.
World Series Hockey Scoring Method
There are different ways to calculate the scoring method in a tournament and in World Series Hockey each team will be awarded with some points for the match played by them to know the win, Lose and Tie break situations. At the end of the match the points will be added to select their position and qualifying teams will be put into semi finals and then into finals to decide with the winner of the match.World Series Hockey Prize and Award detail List
In order to honor the players the World Series Hockey has come up with an excellent prize schemes to its players and world series hockey has decided to make the prize amount to be the highest prize money to be given for any hockey event in the world. A sum of total prize money value will exceed Rs 10 crores (100 million) and it is being distributed as mentioned below:
Team Prizes: Winner – 4 Crore (40 million)
Runner Up – 2 Crore (20 million)
3rd Prize – 1 crore (10 million)
4th Prize – 1 crore (10 million)
Individual Prizes:
Most valuable player – 1 crore (10 million)
Indian star player – 50 Lakhs (5 million)
Highest goal scorer – 25 Lakhs (2.5 million)
Best Mid fielder, Goal keeper, Defender – 25 Lakhs (2.5 million)
Best emerging player – 10 Lakhs (1 million)World Series Hockey 2012 Match Dates
Feb 29th - 8:30 pm - Chandigarh Comets vs Bhopal Badshahs - Chandigarh
Mar 1st - 7:00 pm - Sher-E-Punjab vs Chennai Cheetahs - Jalandhar
Mar 1st - 9:00 pm - Mumbai Marines vs Pune Strykers - Mumbai
Mar 2nd - 7:00 pm - Delhi Wizards vs Karnataka Lions - Delhi
Mar 2nd - 9:00 pm - Mumbai Marines vs Bhopal Badshahs - Mumbai
Mar 3rd - 5:00 pm - Sher-E-Punjab vs Karnataka Lions - Jalandhar
Mar 3rd - 7:00 pm - Chandigarh Comets vs Chennai Cheetahs - Chandigarh
Mar 3rd - 9:00 pm - Delhi Wizards v Pune Strykers - Delhi
Mar 4th - 7:00 pm - Sher-E-Punjab vs Pune Strykers - Jalandhar
Mar 4th - 9:00 pm - Mumbai Marines vs Chandigarh Comets - Mumbai
Mar 5th - 7:00 pm - Karnataka Lions vs Bhopal Badshahs - Bangalore
Mar 5th - 9:00 pm - Delhi Wizards vs Chennai Cheetahs - Delhi
Mar 6th - 7:00 pm - Chennai Cheetahs vs Mumbai Marines - Chennai
Mar 6th - 9:00 pm - Karnataka Lions vs Chandigarh Comets - Bangalore
Mar 7th - 7:00 pm - Sher-E-Punjab vs Delhi Wizards - Jalandhar
Mar 7th - 9:00 pm - Pune Strykers vs Bhopal Badshahs - Pune
Mar 8th - 7:00 pm - Chandigarh Comets vs Sher-E-Punjab - Chandigarh
Mar 8th - 9:00 pm - Karnataka Lions vs Mumbai Marines - Bangalore
Mar 9th - 7:00 pm - Chennai Cheetahs vs Pune Strykers - Chennai
Mar 9th - 9:00 pm - Bhopal Badshahs vs Delhi Wizards - Bhopal
Mar 10th - 7:00 pm - Chennai Cheetahs vs Karnataka Lions - Chennai
Mar 10th - 9:00 pm - Bhopal Badshahs vs Sher-E-Punjab - Bhopal
Mar 11th - 7:00 pm - Pune Strykers vs Chandigarh Comets - Pune
Mar 11th - 9:00 pm - Mumbai Marines vs Delhi Wizards - Mumbai
Mar 12th - 7:00 pm - Pune Strykers vs Karnataka Lions - Pune
Mar 12th - 9:00 pm - Bhopal Badshahs vs Chennai Cheetahs - Bhopal
Mar 14th - 7:00 pm - Mumbai Marines vs Sher-E-Punjab - Mumbai
Mar 14th - 9:00 pm - Delhi Wizards vs Chandigarh Comets - Delhi
Mar 15th - 7:00 pm - Pune Strykers vs Chennai Cheetahs - Pune
Mar 15th - 9:00 pm - Delhi Wizards vs Bhopal Badshahs - Delhi
Mar 16th - 7:00 pm - Sher-E-Punjab vs Chandigarh Comets, - Jalandhar
Mar 16th - 9:00 pm - Mumbai Marines vs Karnataka Lions - Mumbai
Mar 17th - 7:00 pm - Sher-E-Punjab vs Bhopal Badshahs, - Jalandhar
Mar 17th - 9:00 pm - Karnataka Lions vs Chennai Cheetahs - Bangalore
Mar 19th - 7:00 pm - Chandigarh Comets vs Pune Strykers - Chandigarh
Mar 19th - 9:00 pm - Delhi Wizards vs Mumbai Marines - Delhi
Mar 20th - 7:00 pm - Chandigarh Comets vs Delhi Wizards - Chandigarh
Mar 20th - 9:00 pm - Chennai Cheetahs vs Bhopal Badshahs - Chennai
Mar 21st - 7:00 pm - Sher-E-Punjab vs Mumbai Marines - Jalandhar
Mar 21st - 9:00 pm - Karnataka Lions vs Pune Strykers - Bangalore
Mar 23rd - 7:00 pm - Pune Strykers vs Mumbai Marines - Pune
Mar 23rd - 9:00 pm - Karnataka Lions vs Sher-E-Punjab - Bangalore
Mar 24th - 7:00 pm - Bhopal Badshahs vs Chandigarh Comets - Bhopal
Mar 24th - 9:00 pm - Karnataka Lions vs Delhi Wizards - Bangalore
Mar 25th - 7:00 pm - Chennai Cheetahs vs Sher-E-Punjab - Chennai
Mar 25th - 9:00 pm - Bhopal Badshahs vs Mumbai Marines - Bhopal
Mar 26th - 7:00 pm - Chennai Cheetahs vs Chandigarh Comets - Chennai
Mar 26th - 9:00 pm - Pune Strykers vs Delhi Wizards - Pune
Mar 27th - 7:00 pm - Pune Strykers vs Sher-E-Punjab - Pune
Mar 27th - 9:00 pm - Bhopal Badshahs v Karnataka Lions - Bhopal
Mar 28th - 7:00 pm - Chandigarh Comets vs Mumbai Marines - Chandigarh
Mar 28th - 9:00 pm - Chennai Cheetahs vs Delhi Wizards - Chennai
Mar 29th - 7:00 pm - Chandigarh Comets vs Karnataka Lions - Chandigarh
Mar 29th - 9:00 pm - Bhopal Badshahs vs Pune Strykers - Bhopal
Mar 30th - 7:00 pm - Delhi Wizards vs Sher-E-Punjab - Delhi
Mar 30th - 9:00 pm - Mumbai Marines vs Chennai Cheetahs - Mumbai
Apr 1st - 6:00 pm - Semi Final
Apr 1st - 8:30 pm - Semi Final 2
Apr 2nd - 8:00 pm - Final
Stay tuned and Enjoy your favorite World Series Hockey live telecast.