Giving admission for the deserving candidate in Colleges in Tamilnadu
Its all about of how to give best education for every one? what measures college had taken and principle of not collecting money from wards. providing tips for students to compete and not to get affected if they are not getting the course they opt for. pressure from parents and peer groups should be avoided for the benefit of their wards.
Giving admission for the deserving candidate in Colleges in Tamilnadu
Now this is the time were all students cram with their books as their exams had started. Its a great test for parents as they have to run from pillar to post for their wards to join in one of the best colleges let it be professional or ordinary degree college. The students are trying their level best to cope up with the stress and pressure built in them from all sides, and want to be on the hit list. Some students start working from the day one others from half way and still others one month before exam. what ever it may be or it is, they strive hard to give in best so that they can enter in some college for admission. By gods grace they come up with flying colours or above 75% and now marching towards colleges. One thing the educational institute should be loyal or kind enough to give seats on merit basis without any reservations or capitation fees. Now a days educational institute are getting capitation fee in the form of building fund, lab work etc.
This is one of the noblest field where many of them are getting educated and it also improves the literacy rate of our country.There are many students who are not getting chances to join the course or area they are interested instead being pushed or forced to join the area they are not interested. For example a forward community if he or she gets 95% and asking for the group of her choice, she might not get it as the college might be keeping the highest 97%. so with sad note that child is not able to read as per his or her choice.At the same time a child with only 65% is given the seat because of his casteism. This sort of differences should be avoided. To be frank of late the forward community has become backward because how much ever he or she scores she is not getting the group of his or her choice.
This is the tragedy that everyone of us are facing. What I suggest is conduct entrance test for everyone, and who so ever gets outstanding marks in entrance give them seat taking only 10 or 5% from their board exam and see their attitude , aptitude so that they will be cheerful and happy to study further.
Hai Shanthi,
As a new member to the site you have provided us with good set of useful information about giving admission to the deserving candidates at various list of colleges in Tamil Nadu.
I personally like you to Continue more with the same efforts towards your future resources in order to fetch with more number of rewards towards your milestone and journey with site.
My advance wishes for your Future contributions.Keep up with you work....
S.Naina Khan