20th State conference of Communist Party of India ( Marxist)

CPIM party Tamil nadu state conference elected G.Ramakrishnan as their secretary for more three years.The All India congress will be hel in Kozhikode .In that the party's political and ideological and organisational resolutions will be discussed by the delegates from all over the nation and they will elect a new general sectary who will lead the party for next tenure .It is agood model to inner party democracy

Ramakrishnan , state secretary of CPIM

Com G.Ramakrishnan elected again as Tamil Nadu State Secretary of Communist Party of INdia (Marxist). The four day state conference held in Nagapattinam elected him as secretary. Around 650 delegates from all over Tamil Nadu who were elected themselves in District conferences participated in conference. Two lakh people rallied in Nagapattinam on the final day of the conference on 25th Feb. The red volunteers march was a wonderful scene and their discipline was a model to the public. They assembled in the ground to hear their all India general secretary Com Prakash karat and other state leaders' speech and disbursed without any problem to anyone

Democracy in communist party

We often heard and speak that communists are controlled by their party leaders.But it is learnt that they have full freedom to elect their secretary and top leaders were kept silent spectators while the election was on. Delegates elected State council and the council members elected secretary,Executive committee and delegates for all India congress.

20th All india congress of CPI-M

For every three years this process is taking place regularly in Marxist party.But this time it took four years because of state elections of West Bengal Kerala and TamilNadu. The all India congress is to be held at Kozhikode , Kerala in April. Prior to that all units at village level which will consist maximum 15 members should conduct unit conferences.In that it will analyse the party activities in between from last conference to this period. They will discuss frankly their faults and successes.

From the gross root level

Next to that the conference will took place at panchayat Union level or block level. And after Taluk level district conferences were held before Nagai state conference. In that a report was supplied analyzing the activities of party , organizational position, future plan, political situation etc. These points were discussed for two days fully. They dared their leaders to speak they wish. Top leaders answered their queries and political stand for every issue the delegates raised.

Ideological and political resolutions

Kozhikode conference will be the culmination of these conferences and it will finally decide the future course of action and path for next three years.No leader could decide it unilaterally. A poitical resolution and ideological report have been supplied now to all party members in the whole India. They can send corrections directly to the party high command or through their state leadership.Moreover in kozhikode conference the delegates elected from all over the nation in State conferences will discuss these documents. They can make corrections additions and cut in the resolutions. If it is found correct by delegates it will be accepted by the conference and it will be the final.No leaders could supersede as in the bourgeoisie parties. In the congress the general secretary and central committee will be elected who will lead the party for next three years

All other parties

In all other political parties also conferences are held often but not periodical.If their leader wants to rouse them or divert them from their defeats they will call their brothers or blood. In that conferences members have not any role to play except vazhga slogans. Leader, Kalaignar or amma or any other leader of any other party will speak what he wants to tell their members. It is the resolution. They can't question if the leader changing from that stand after some time.But these parties will always comment that communists are not having inner party democracy.


Guest Author: 08 Mar 2012

Hope you have provided us with good set of information about 20th State conference of Communist Party of India ( Marxist)along with various other sources of information's.

S.Naina Khan

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