Jayalalithaa pledge to protect state's rights in Cauvery

State Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa Jayaram pledged to save the water as Karnataka government is refusing to release water of river Cauvery during Summer season and also pledged to shield the rights of state in Cauvery river controversy. In this article of yours, you will find the complete information about Cauvery dispute and Jayalalithaa's saying over that. For more information kindly read the article as below:

Today on 30th March, J. Jayaram pledged to defend the rights of Tamilnadu in river Cauvery controversy. In Cauvery river matter, State Karnataka is at chelonian with state. While answering a call she said state government is trying to get their allotment quickly and also planning to protect the rights of state in Cauvery controversy. Some days before, some of the political party leaders and Supremacy vow to save wealth of Cauvery and also to assist Jayalalithaa. Answering Panruti Ramachandran, Jawahirullah, Thaniyarasu and many others, Jayalalithaa tabulated a lot of steps taken by her to solve this issue from May 2011.

She answer that in her last meeting with Prime Minister, she showed him epistle wishing to establish the adjudication on Cauvery controversy in the docket of Tamilnadu Supremacy. She replied that during Summer, Karnataka is denying to give water to state and the supremacy of state has filled temporary appeal in Supreme Court.

Quite interesting point is that on Thursday, Parliament was prorogue still members from state Kanataka make an babble on the controversy of Cauvery river.
After some time, members of Bharatiya Janta Party stood near well and starts raising slogans for justice and had given a notice for suspension hour. All the political parties of state Tamilnadu are showing unity on this controversy now.



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