About Wind Power and Solar Power in Tamilnadu
This article is all about Power of Wind and Sun light as a source of Energy Production in Tamilnadu. I wished to share about the Wind and Solar Power for Grid, for Homes and for Industries, which are available in plenty, free of cost, non polluting and for long period. Awareness should be created to common people sothat the usage of these systems can be increased in near future.Government will give subsidies, many employment opportunities will be created in turn may reduce the initial setting up cost.
About Wind Power and Solar Power in Tamilnadu
When you travel towards Nagercoil from Tirunelveli and towards Madurai from Tirunelveli you might not have missed to see some Giants with 3 hands - yes, I am mentioning about Wind mills. Hope you all have seen WInd Mills. The Wind when blows the blades in the wind mill rotates. It produces noises, dangerous to birds also when they come in the way of rotating blades. Some of the wind mills have small lights glowing in the rotating blades which is visible to Birds which come in way, and they avoid hitting.
These wind mills are also called and Wind Turbines. As a very clean fuel, non polluting, available free of cost, and the one that not going to exhaust, the air is always there as Fuel for this Wind mills. These wind mills always depend on wind blowing in some average speed in some locations and the season. Unlike Solar power - Sun light, the wind is not steady throughout the day.
Wind mills are used to convert kinetic energy into mechanical power and Electricity. They are called Wind turbines when it produces Electricity.
Construction of Wind Mills are costlier. But now a days researches are made to use this Wind Mills for Home need Power and for Industries also. The Wind mills are designed to various sizes to match the requirement. Already they are in action in many states. No longer, soon in Tamilnadu also many Home & Industry need Power can be produced from Wind. Solar Power in other hand is an abundant source of energy available as free of cost and non polluting. In country like India where you can get most number of Sunny hot days, the use of Solar power will be most efficient.
The Solar power is produced by the Solar Panels which converts the heat radiation of sun into electricity. The measure of how much solar radiation a solar panel receives is called Solar Insulation. The higher the insulation higher will be the production of electricity. The Solar panels should be placed in such a location where the shade of any objects does not fall on the panels, as this may reduce the insulation. The electricity thus produced will be stored in Batteries and will be discharged for normal use. This system is already in use in most of the Countries and in India too. In consideration of the cost of the Solar Power system the common people are hesitating to move towards it.
Also awareness on this power have to be spread over. As a suggestion Government shall use Solar power of Government Buildings, Schools and other Government Offices. Already Government is ready to give subsidy to those who use Solar Energy. But this awareness has not reached many.
In Tamilnadu, there are many places which has strong wind blowing zones nad high sunny days. In Coimbatore, Kanyakumari and Tuticorin areas high wind power is recorded with values ranging from 51 to 82.4 Watt/sq.meter. So wind power potential is high in these areas which can be supported to build Wind Power stations to add power supply to Grids.
Almost all the areas in Tamilnadu, except hill stations, have high sunny hot days. Government shall install their own Solar Power plants or the Government can encourage Private power producers to install Solar Plants. Almost 300 sunny days are available in Tamilnadu. Now steps have been taken to measure the Solar Irradiation(it is the measure of solar radiation transmitted in earth's atmosphere in a givne unit of time). Places like Ambattur, Avadi, Chennai, Pondichery, Salem, Theni, Thanjavur, Trichy, Tirunelveli, Tiruppur and Tuticorin are measured for this Solar Irradiation. Sure for future many plants may come.
The future of Power can be from these Renewable Source of Energy which are available free of cost, non polluting and in plenty.