VITEEE 2012 Counselling dates and Rank list
This article provides you the latest information about the VITEE 2012 counselling dates. In this article you get to know the dates of counseling based on the ranks obtained by the candidates.
VITEEE 2012 Phase 1 Rank Wise Counselling Dates
Students who have appeared in VITEEE Entrance Exam 2012 which was held on 21st April 2012 can now check the counseling dates from the official website of VIT University. VITEE Phase 1 Couselling dates are provided based on the ranks obtained by the candidates. VITEEE 2012 Rank List
• Based on the marks secured by the candidates in VITEE 2012 entrance exam a merit list will be published.
• The VIT management will not send any intimation about the selection to the candidates.
• As soon as the VITEE 2012 results are published the candidates will receive an SMS in their mobile.
• No revaluation of the marks in VIT.
• The candidates are not allowed to see the photocopies of the answer sheets. VITEEE Phase I Counselling
Below is the list of the ranks and the dates of counseling:
Rank 1 – 5000: 14th May 2012(Monday)
Rank 5001 – 9000: 15th May 2012(Tuesday)
Rank 9001 – 12000: 16th May 2012(Wednesday)
Rank 12001 – 15000: 17th May 2012(Thursday)
Rank 15001 – 18000: 18th May 2012(Friday)
Rank 18001 – 20000: 19th May 2012(Saturday)
Candidates are requested to check their date of counselling so that it will be easy for making arrangements to reach the place. Check the below link to get VITEEE results 2012 and answer key:
VITEEE results 2012