Live VITEEE 2012 Results Online
This article “Live VITEEE 2012 Results Online” will be useful for all those candidates who are eagerly awaiting to know their ranks in VITEEE 2012. In this article you get to know the date of VITEEE results 2012, list of websites from which you can get the results online and also about VITEEE Answer Key 2012. Read the article and get more information about VITEEE 2012.
VITEEE 2012 Results and VITEEE 2012 Answer Key
Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam (VITEEE) was conducted on 21st April 2012 for admission to various courses in VIT. VITEE 2012 Results are expected to be published on 7th May 2012 by VIT University. As soon as the results are published the candidates will get an intimation by SMS in their mobile and the candidates score will be made available in the official website of VIT. The candidates can check the VITEEE Answer Key 2012 also in the VIT University website. Check VITEEE Results 2012 online
Here is the list of websites from which the candidates can check their VIT engineering entrance exam results 2012 online after the declaration of the results by VIT. The candidates can get their scores by entering their registration number in the box provided.
After checking their total scores and the ranks the students are requested to attend the VITEEE counseling 2012 which is based on the ranks. Check the below link to know the date of counseling:
VITEEE counseling 2012