Buy Solar Power Lamps from the Tamil Nadu Post Offices

In this article, you will read about the sales of Solar Power Lamps in the Post Offices in Tamil Nadu. The current power cut scenario in Tamil Nadu is worst from over, forcing the people of Tamil Nadu to consider alternative arrangements for their needs. Please read on.

Tamil Nadu Post Offices now sell – Solar Power Lamps.

The Solar Power Lamps sale in Tamilnadu Post Offices is the hottest pick of the season. The sales have just commenced 6 months ago and so far more than three thousand units of Solar Lamps have been sold out. The Tamilnadu Post Offices Circle is introducing many new projects like sale of Gold coins, sale of Solar Power Lamps etc. For the sale of Solar Power Lamps, the Department of Posts has entered in to an agreement with a company based in U.S.A. viz., De-lite. As per the agreement for the sale of Solar Power Lamps, the Department of Posts has started its sale first from a smaller town viz., Chengalpattu near the Chennai City in Tamil Nadu. Now, the sale of Solar Power Lamps has been extended to almost all the villages in Tamil Nadu. Due to the grim power situation in Tamil Nadu, the sale of Solar Power Lamps has really picked up more than the expected lines.

Solar Power LampsOfficials from the Department of Posts have observed that as a first stage sales, these Solar Power Lamps are being marketed in many rural areas in Tamil Nadu and the reception so far is much good and the sales has really picked up due the erratic power scenario in Tamil Nadu. From the point of profit, this project with reference to Sale of Solar Power Lamps will be a boost for the Department of Posts as they have sold the Solar Power Lamps for around Rs. 10 lakhs so far in the Chengalpattu Postal Division alone.

Solar Power Lamp models:

At present, the Department of Posts in Tamil Nadu markets the following 3 models of Solar Power Lamps in rural Tamil Nadu. The details of Solar Power Lamps marketed by Department of Posts, Tamil Nadu are:

De-lite S 250 Solar Power Lamp:

The price of De-lite S 250 model Solar Power Lamp is Rs. 1,699/- only. The De-lite S 250 Solar Power Lamp can glow up to 50,000 hours upon proper charging. There is a guarantee for one year for this product. You can also charge your mobile / cell-phone or a polycrystalline Solar panel of 1.3 Watt from this De-lite S 250 Solar Power Lamp. This Solar Power Lamp is around 30 to 50 times brighter than comparative CFL bulb or lamp.

De-lite S 10 Solar Power Lamp:

The De-lite S 10 Solar Power Lamp comes with a warranty of six months. It is designed with ABS Plastic mould and therefore, almost unbreakable. This model of Solar Power Lamp can glow upto 8 or 10 hours. The transparent plastic design makes the light to spread well during night times.

De-lite S 1 Solar Power Lamp:

The De-lite S 1 model of Solar Power Lamps comes with a warranty of six months.

Among the above three models of Solar Power Lamps, the De-lite S 10 Solar Power Lamp model has sold more compared to the other two models.

Sale points of Solar Power Lamps by Department of Posts in Tamil Nadu:

The Solar Power Lamps are the need of the hour and the Department of Posts in Tamil Nadu have started to sell the above products in the Head Post Offices at Thiruvallur, Kancheepuram, Chengalpattu, Vellore and few smaller Post Offices like Thirukazhukundram etc. in Tamil Nadu.

The Solar Power Lamps gets the subsidy from the Government of India and therefore, they are available at a cheaper price to the public. It is for us to utilize such great opportunities available once in a while. Certainly the Solar Power Lamps are a boon in power crisis situation that exists in Tamil Nadu.


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