Police Commissioner denies to permit the TESO meet in Tamilnadu
Are you looking for the Tamil Eelem Supporters Organization that was supposed to be held in YMCA? TESO meeting canceled on 11th of August and conducted today on 12th August. Get the latest live updates of TESO meeting. In this article the Updated Information of the TESO meeting has been provided.
Tamil Eelem Supporters Organizations(TESO) Meet on YMCA ground, Royapettai- Police Denies Permission
It was on 11 of August 2012, The DMK founder leader and the past Chief Minister M.K. Karunanidhi had planned to conduct a meeting named TESO in the Royapettai YMCA ground and it was supposed to happen on 12th of the month that is tomorrow. The people are waiting eagerly to know whether the commissioner of police would give permission for the Meeting that is going to happen tomorrow in YMCA. Earlier as there was huge opposition for the meeting from the Government's point of view there was a suspense that prevailed in the hearts of many men in the state.Opposition against the meeting
In this stage the head of the workers association working for the Royapettai hospital Ramachandhiran had registered a complaint in the High court stating that the meeting should not be conducted not only in YMCA but in any other places of the Chennai city. He has also stated that the meeting should be replaced somewhere out of the city and not anywhere inside the Chennai city. This case came to the notice of the judges Venugopal Rao and Dharmarao. On behalf of the person who gave a complaint one of the eldest lawyers took the case and he said that there is a hospital that is situated near the YMCA ground and there are lots of patients that are attending the hospital on a regular basis. If the meeting is given permission here the patients would be troubled a lot because of the sound pollution and so this has to be avoided.
On the other hand the lawyer supporting the DMK, Mr. Thangavel said that there are lots of meetings held at this place before also and there was no objection made by the workers association before. He also stated that there were about 99 grounds that belong to the YMCA and it is the thing noteworthy that even the last month on second there was a meeting held by the DMK minister Anbudurai.
When the lawyer supporting the DMK met the press he said that the advertisement about TESO was published briefly last month itself and in this stage when the meeting is to be conducted on 12th of this month a case has been filed just before the meeting that is on 7th of the month and this shows the motive behind the person who has filed the case. He also added that the ground is used for Book Exhibition, share market exhibition and Orchestra that are conducted in these grounds more frequently and it also produces sound. He stated that the case came directly to the court without even consulting the Commissioner. He questioned that how come the letters that were posted on behalf of TESO reach the hands of the person who registered the case against the Meeting.Advocate General Navanithakrishnans response to the case
It has been stated that about one lakh people are going to join the meeting that is to be held in the YMCA ground and about 1250 vehicles would be coming there in the meeting but the ground can assist only up to eight thousand people. There are two entrance available for the ground in which one entrance would be used only by the VIP's. This leaves only one entrance for the public to enter the ground and this would have more security concerns with it.
It has been stated that there are about three thousand patients coming to the hospitals daily and if the meeting is conducted not only the patients but also the public who live nearby would be affected. There is also Chennai metro rail Project that is going on and these would affect the people even more if the meeting is conducted. So hence it would be something problematic to run a meeting at this place. Judgment given by the Board of Judges
According to the Tamil Nadu city Police law, keeping the safety of the civilians in the city, the police commissioner of the area has the power to provide the judgment whether to stop the meeting or to run the meeting. The person who held the case in the court had not met the Commissioner before filing a complaint in the court. But in the application he has submitted he has also joined the permission that was asked by the DMK Minister Anbudurai to have a meeting at YMCA ground to the YMCA officials.
The officials said that the he has no right to interfere in the duties that are allotted to the Police commissioner and the details of the meeting was forwarded to the Commissioner of police and he was asked to provide a solution to end this matter. They also stated that the police commissioner should look after the various aspects like the distance of the ground, the sound that could be produced from the meeting and whether the meeting would affect the patient and then take a proper decision to end the problem by himself. As soon as the commissioner gives the solution to the problem the answer should be forwarded to both the parties who put the case and the one against which the case was put. Police Commissioners Judgment
It was a matter of fact that the Police commissioner had rejected the idea of the meeting that was to be held in the YMCA. It was on 10th of august when the Police commissioner made the decision to avoid the meeting keeping the safety of the public and the patients in the mind. The decision was made against the DMK and hence there would not be any meeting in the YMCA grounds that was supposed to be held on 12th of the month.
My concern towards the Problem
I think that the people should know that there should not be any meeting arranged in the public places like this that is located near hospitals, schools, etc., moreover the judges should impose a rule that there won't be any meeting that would be arranged in the ground anymore otherwise this would become a one sided decision made against the hopes of DMK. The government should act wisely and the government should also do the respectful as the DMK officials had asked for the permission much before and the case as raised just before the meeting which shows that the case was purposefully raised against the DMK Leader Karunanidhi.