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  • Category: Cooking & Cuisine

    Are salads the solution to reduce or maintain BP at the correct level?

    Just a couple of days ago, we had a discussion over the phone with some friends. During this conversation, one of them had a rather strange, but possibly correct observation: the role of salads in our diet.

    What he suggested is that vegetarians should try to avoid fried foods, including fried potato curry, which has a number of spices, at any point in time. Or possibly restrict such foods to just once a week and go in for the boiled vegetable preparations for four days and particularly have salads like the raw big onion, cut into pieces and mixed with curd, or have just the fresh cabbage and onion together, without cooking and so on.

    Is this true? Can this, as he would claim, go a long way, in making good progress in maintaining one's BP at the correct level? What he was trying to imply is that the oil and spices are reduced drastically.

    Those readers who have some knowledge of facts, with solid medical references, may present their views. Yes, if this is true of pure vegetarians, naturally, those who consume meat should be even more careful.
  • #25745
    Oil, sugar, salt, and carbohydrates all are supposed to be bad for our health when taken in large quantities. In ancient times people used to keep fasts and had a disciplined life. There health was good and they were energetic and hard working.
    At that time junk and fast food was not there. So people were taking normal food. Today we are taking outside food which is not reliable.

  • #25751
    Since I am not having any medical knowledge of whether or not salads can reduce or maintain blood pressure levels, I will refrain from supporting or contradicting it.

    What I am aware of is that raw food may not be a good idea to consume for everyone. After I had a really bad upset stomach once, when the Dr. asked me what all I had eaten the days prior to that, she zeroed in on the salad that was served as an accompaniment to a dish I ate at a restaurant. She warned me that even if the restaurant is a reputed one and I have not had problems with the food, under no circumstances should I eat anything raw as likely my digestive system was not strong enough to stand up to it.

    So, in a restaurant when a dish comes with the usual strips of cabbage, beetroot, onion, etc I avoid them completely and somebody else in the group will eat it. In case I do know that there will likely be such accompaniments, I request the serving staff to serve the dish without them.

    Even at functions, I completely avoid putting on my plate the onion, tomato, and cucumber rings from the buffet spread since it is not known when it has been cut and, even if refrigerated properly, may not agree with me. Of course, at home I do eat cucumber but this will be fresh and not kept over at all, and tomatoes, beetroot, cabbage, etc will always be properly cooked.

    Also, I have been avoiding deep fried food completely to control my cholesterol level, except on one or two occasions and that too limited to a single piece.

    I think your friend should not dispense advice like this as it is not necessarily the case that what is suitable for him is generally good for everyone. Keep in mind that even curds is not necessarily a good thing for some people who have health issues caused by dairy products.

  • #25761
    Generally, vegetables are good for health and they are protein-rich food for vegetarians. At the same time, some vegetables are not easily digestible. So we should decide based on our health condition and food habits. But boiled vegetables with a pinch of salt may be good for all generally. fries are not good for anybody.
    Somewhere I read Gandhiji used to take only ground nuts and milk and survived. Like this different people will have different food styles. If we eat regularly a type of food, our body will get accustomed to that food. That food may not cause any adverse effects on our bodies. At the same time, we can't recommend that food to all.

  • #25763
    Oil and spices make the food tasty but these things are not good for health especially when taken regularly and in good quantities. Experts always advise for boiled foods. One can of course sprinkle a little salt and a little bit of spices on it.
    Raw vegetables are containing a large number of pathogens and it could create problems in people and induce some disease.
    Maintaining good health is a matter of lot of discipline and proper food habits which of course is a difficult proposition for a common person.

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