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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Nursing homes or nurseries, what we need more

    The word is changing every day. Changes are occurring in our family and social ;live. The changes are drastic and fast. So fast that the time we adapted to the previous change another paradigm change occurs.

    I am still confused whether nursing homes are a proof of better health care or whether they are symbolic of weakening health.

    Similarly whether increase in nurseries tell us about the better child care or abandoning of mothers' care.
    Members please think and provoke your minds in discussing the topic. here so that we get to know more on this.
  • #26916
    Venki Sir has brought up an exciting topic to discuss. A bit of history will help to put some more light on the topic.
    It was Egypt and Mesopotamian civilizations that brought the concept of communal healing. People were allowed to come to a "commonplace". These places were having all sorts of treatment options, prevalent at the time. Most of the time, it was the temples where people were brought to get better. Then the Byzantine civilization built "Xenodocheia". These were the hospitals of the 4th century AD.

    Then came the monks and monasteries. Monks and nuns took care of the sick within the monastic communities. They were known as almshouses. Almshouses were funded by charitable donations and low-cost or free treatment was provided to the sick, poor and elderly.

    In modern times, medical treatment, and traditional and complementary healing practices are advancing at such a greater degree of speed, that, as you rightly said, it has been impossible to provide all modern advancements at a time.

    This has brought the feeling of indifference because modern medicine and high-level technology have high costs. This makes it unavailable for the needy and poor people. Unfortunately, they start to weaken. For the diseases of today, old forms of treatment are unable to help cope.

    Also with education, new ways of offering knowledge is not available in the basic schools, schools from municipality and governments. Moreover, salaries for teachers decide (to a large extent) whether they are loving and caring; or are they stubborn. Every parent can't provide high costly education where all things are bells and whistles.

    I feel the power of paying money decides whether a particular service is of high value or is of demeaning nature.

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  • #26923
    I am not able to understand what is more important. But I can definitely say Plant Nurseries are required in more numbers these days. Everywhere trees are being cut and green forests are becoming concrete forests. Global warming is taking place and summer is showing its severity. So people should start purchasing plants and plant them wherever possible and nurture them so that we will have greenery everywhere. That is the need of the hour.

    I am of the opinion that more nursing homes mean more patients and more diseases. Nursing homes are for business but not for service. If there are no patients we will not see growth in these homes. So more numbers mean that the health of the people is weakening.
    Coming to more playschools and nurseries means many mothers are not having time to take care of their children. They may be having other important work than this. That is why we are seeing more nursery schools. I don't know whether we can say it is abandoning mothers' care or we have to say abandoning parents' care. Otherwise, there will be an issue with the disparity between males and females.

  • #26933
    When I saw the title, I did think the topic would be referring to plant nurseries and not nurseries in terms of kids!

    I think the increase in the number of nursing homes is a good sign in terms of providing more infrastructure for healthcare. Keep in mind that the age span of humans has gone up and we do tend to live longer. With increasing age, it is natural to expect some health issues. No matter how fit we are and the great care we may take in terms of our diet and timely prescribed medicines, our body's mechanisms are not wholly under our control. Some cogs in the wheels inside may rust a bit! Hence the necessity to make a trip (hopefully a very short one) to a nursing home.

    About nurseries for kids, my view is that look at this positively. It means
    (a) both parents have got employment and hence require to leave the child in a secure place;
    (b) the kid has not been left alone to the whims of a nanny/maid;
    (c) the kid gets to interact with other kids of the same age group and have fun, picking up speech and motor skills during the brief hour or two in the nursery. It is not necessarily the case that the child has been deprived of a mother's care (and why this gender bias by the way- what about the father?) It may just be a necessity.

  • #26972
    Super drag by the author. Both are in our today's need. Nurseries for our forthcoming generation's green life style and Nursing Homes for elders especially destitute. That too the nursing homes should be designed with low cost as many present elders do not afford for treatment with heavy expenditure.

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