How to score good marks in M.P. Board Examination.

This article is for the students who will face board examinations in coming session.This is the right time for them to make a plan which will not only improve their performance in board examination but also help them to scored higher marks.

There are so many students who are suffering from board examination phobia.Specially the students who are studying in class 10th and 12th, having so much fear of M.P.Board Examination.But if they make a plan before the session will come they can not only pass the exams but also score good marks.

What is an MP Board Examination?

Board examination is conducted every year by the M.P. Board of Secondary Education, Bhopal. This is a state level exams, so the papers of these examination is set by the experts.

How to prepare for the MP board examination?

The students who are passed the class 9th and class 11th in this session will have to face the board exams in coming session.some of the students have much fear to face the examination,but there is nothing to fear from it. They have to make a study-plan for coming session and must work on it.There are some important tips for those students, which they have to remember to score higher marks.

1.First the students must have to know their weakness about any subject.I saw most of the students having fear about the Mathematics subject, but if they practice more and more in this subject they can score higher marks.

2.Theory subjects can be studied in morning time.There are lots of things to remember in a theory subject so according to me early morning study will help those subjects to remember.

3.For the Mathematics subject , the students must have to note all the formulas in a note book, which will help them in examination time.

4.Notes making habit is a good thing to read the topic in a short period of time, so I advised the students to make short notes which they have understand in their own writing.Try to make notes of each topic.

5. First, try to solve any question by yourself, which will improve your confidence.If you are unable then you can take help from your teachers or colleagues.

6. Do not hesitate to ask any question from your teachers.They can always to help you but you have asked to solve your doubts or queries.

7.Do not trust on guess papers if any one offering to you.

8.Never bother about studies, try to keep your mind calm and cool always during study time.

9.Regular study of one to two hours will always keep away from the burden of study, so try to study minimum one hour everyday.

10.Try to take sleep of 8 hours,because it will maintain good health and also keep your mind cool in the examination time.

11.Self study is always work,but the students can attend the tuition or coaching center classes if they are waek in any subject.


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