Results of Tamilnadu assembly elections 2011- Exit poll survey Results

Tamilnadu assembly elections have recently got completed and people are eagerly waiting for the result of the elections . The political parties are also waiting for the results eagerly. In this resource I will provide details regarding the results of Tamilnadu assembly elections 2011 according to the exit poll survey results. A lot of questions are present in the mind of the people regarding the election results.

Tamilnadu assembly elections 2011 Poll survey results

The questions are which among the two major players DMK and AIDAMK will win and with how many votes. Secondly the prestige of many individual politicians is also at stake in these elections.

The results of Tamilnadu assembly elections are going to come on May 13, 2011. This day will decide that who will become the next chief minister of Tamilnadu. A number of organizations including news channels had made predictions regarding the election results. The exit polls had provided almost correct results in the past are expected to provide clues this time also.

Outlook survey on Tamilnadu assembly elections 2011

According to the survey conducted by Outlook weekly AIADMK is expected to win the elections without any problem. The present government will seee a loss in total number of votes due to a number of reasons including the 2G spectrum scam and Commonwealth Games scam. Since these are recent scams these will surely affect the results.

Headlines Today survey on Tamilnadu assembly elections 2011

According to the Headlines today-ORG poll survey also AIADMK is expected to win. People have become fed up of the present Government in the Tamilnadu election 2011.

Thus it is expected that in the coming results of Tamilnadu AIADMK has comparatively more chances to win.


Guest Author: vasudevan11 May 2011

Exit polls never reflects the people.They are mostly biased.Some try to do it genuinely.But it won't.Because it has some logical points that could not be followed easily.At least 10% of voters should be valued.And the selection of voters should be from different sections of castes ,regions,economy .Above all people wont reply the truth maximum as they want not to be identified

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