NASA Discovered New Planet Kepler-22b Which May Take Place of Earth in Future

This resource contains information about newly discovered extrasolar planet named Kepler-22b by NASA’s space telescope on 5th of December 2011. This planet is similar to earth, its temperature is also suitable for life.

NASA Discovered New Planet Kepler-22b Which May Take Place of Earth in Future

Kepler 22b and Earth

Kepler-22b is newly found extrasolar planet like our earth. It has its own sun. Kepler-22b was firstly discovered by kepler science team in 2009. But the conformed result was given by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Kepler-22b was firstly observed in 2009 but it is conformed on date 5th December 2011 by NASA. Bill Borucki is the lead scientist of this Kepler team.
The approximate radius of earth is 6353 km and radius of Kepler-22b planet is nearly 15247.2 km means nearly 2.4 times greater than earth's radius. Kepler-22b is 600 light year far from our earth. Light year is one of the units of length which is equal to 1light year = 9454254955488 km and the unit of light year is ly. The approximate temperature of Kepler-22b is 22°C. This temperature is suitable for human life.
Kepler-22b completes complete one rotation around its sun in 290 days, as compared to earth it takes less time period for rotation around its sun, earth takes 365 days with speed 29.78km per second to completes one rotation around sun.


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