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  • Category: Culture & Festivals

    Is following Indian culture less than earlier?

    Nowadays, we the Indians are forgetting our culture. Most of us are now running behind modern civilization. We are avoiding our culture, festivals, religions etc. In foreign countries, it is observed that people have started to live in joint families and they have adopted the Indian culture. People living there celebrate festivals like Holi and Diwali. In fact, they also were Indian clothes. Wherein India we used to live in joint families and celebrate every single festival, we have adopted the western culture. Children in India now avoid living with their parents or celebrate festivals. We all like wearing western clothes. What is your opinion about it?
  • #26795
    The author is very right that there is a trend of people getting attracted to western culture and adopting it in their lives in India. This is an unfortunate thing that people are detaching from their own culture and are getting trapped in the superficial appearance of some other culture.
    One thing that comes to my mind is that we are ourselves responsible for such a thing happening. The parents and senior people today are not able to keep their children clung to the culture and traditions. We have not inculcated in them the beauty and grandeur of our culture and tradition and when they get attracted to other cultures we start complaining.
    A religion and its culture never become out dated. What becomes outdated is our attachment to it. Our identity is our culture, religion, traditions, and associated values. If we lose it we lose everything. Let us remember that if we join some other culture then we will be second class citizen in that society.

  • #26796
    There is a saying in Telugu which means that the fruits on the tree of our neighbour are sweeter than the fruits on the trees in our backyard. Whenever I see our people trying to adopt the western culture, I remember this saying.
    Indian culture is the best among all cultures in the world. This is my feeling. Of course, there may be some differences of opinion on that.
    Our culture tells us the value of morals and ethics in our life. That is why many foreigners getting attracted to our culture and trying to follow it. Unfortunately, we never give value to the epics and other sacred books which will tell us the best way of life. We never read them and try to understand.
    But now I am observing some change in the attitude of parents and they are trying to impart good moral education to their children and it may bring in a good change by the time these children grow up. The Sanskrit language is also getting some importance and the epics which are in Sanskrit may also be taught to children in the coming years.

  • #26800
    As per my understanding Hindu culture is very tolerant and gives full liberty to its followers whether they follow the rituals and traditions exactly as prescribed or not. It is not that Hindu religion is the only religion like that in fact there are some other religions also where such a freedom exists.
    In Hindu religion, it is believed that the followers will be understanding its main characteristics and salient features and will also come to know about their effectiveness in human lives. And they will follow it seriously. There is no forceful compulsion or direction from the society or the priests in Hindu religion for the people but it is thriving on its own merit.
    Unfortunately, some young people or even some grown ups are not so mature to comprehend and understand these things in a broader way and they do sometimes err in their judgement and consider their religion not useful in their lives.
    Hindu religion doesn't boast that this is the best religion in the world but it only says that this is one of the life styles which if followed by the people will be good for their own lives as well as the society in which they are living.

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