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  • Category: Problems and Complaints

    Reasons for rejection should be informed to the author

    The knowledge centre is receiving the attention of many members and started writing answers to the items posted. The Editorial team is editing the posts and taking an apt decision. Some of the submissions are approved. Some are getting deleted and some are asked for modifications and such answers are kept pending.

    I feel it is better to inform the reasons for rejecting an answer should be informed to the author. It will be useful to the author to know his mistakes and can correct them in his/ her further postings. In the absence of such information, the author will be in a state of confusion and may be doing the same mistake again and again.
  • #27017
    Hello Dr Rao
    I am informing members of the reason for the deletion of their answers. Do let me know if there was any concern on your side.

    Check out all Help guidelines from Social Village

  • #27018
    One of my answers on how to stop smoking was deleted but no reason was mentioned. I received a mail stating that my answer was moved to pending section. But when I opened the email. It was stated that the answer was deleted. I was in a confusion and stopped further action on that thread.

  • #27019
    Check my email again. The same has been attached here for ready reference. I did not mention pending. I have written deleted. The reason is also clearly written. Even the link is also given.
    If you have received pending status email, kindly share a screenshot of the same.

    Check out all Help guidelines from Social Village

    Delete Attachment

  • #27020
    Pl find the attached. For your kind information I like to inform you that even did not visit that site. Anyhow I don't want to make an issue out of it
    Pl find the attached screen shot.

    Delete Attachment

  • #27021
    I have escalated your concern. Let's hope to hear on it soon.
    Check out all Help guidelines from Social Village

  • #27022
    Thank you, Dr Apurva. I have not received the email you are mentioning where you mentioned the reasons for rejections. I don't know where is the gap. There is no other concern except knowing the reasons for rejection.

  • #27035
    Hello Dr. Rao
    The bug behind not receiving the email with the reason for rejection was identified and corrected. Thank you for bringing to notice this concern. Hopefully, further communications will be received promptly.

    Check out all Help guidelines from Social Village

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