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  • Category: Academics & Careers

    The Online Courses should totally replace all distance education

    The time has come to save on precious paper and the huge resources needed for the traditional offline distance education. For example, a very famous University like the Annamalai University slipped meeting some statutory norms. The University seems to be reinventing itself now.

    The time has now come for the mighty Indira Gandhi National Open University to change to the Online medium. This means that there will be resources needed for this purpose, but it could possibly have tie-ups with several colleges covering the entire country and invite experts from the industry to conduct the sessions on a contract basis. For academic subjects, the retired but active experts can handle the sessions.
  • #27052
    Online and offline are two different modes and have their importance depending on the situation. Online education has a lot of flexibility but offline education has a different level of interaction between the students and the teachers. Face-to-face interaction impacts greatly in many situations and it also helps a lot to make things clear. The concept of Distance Education came to reduce the distance between the students and instructors and instructions are provided to students at specific intervals considering the flexibility of both. If the course covered through distance mode has only instructions and no project/practical work then online mode can be a good idea but for courses that are project-oriented and people-centric offline mode is necessary. In such cases, completely replacing the distance mode of learning with online learning will not serve the purpose.

  • #27072
    Online courses are becoming popular day by day and slowly the distance education courses are being replaced by it. Online courses in many ways are convenient for a student because he can manage his time according to his other schedules and refer the syllabus and course material online without waiting for the physical notes.

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